Ultimate homeowner’s AC installation guide

Do you want to install a new air conditioner system in your home, but don’t know where to start? You’re not alone. Installing an AC system can seem like a daunting task, even for the most savvy of DIYers. While it’s best to have a professional do the job, we’ve put together this ultimate guide to give insight into the process.

If you live in the Oklahoma City region and need a professional technician for AC installation, check out https://www.trustsmartair.com/air-conditioner-services/ac-installation/.

Ready to jump start your AC installation journey? Keep reading.

Understand your AC options

Before you start installing an AC system, it’s important to understand your options. Window units are the most common type of air conditioner and are typically found in small apartments or single rooms. While these units tend to be slightly more affordable than other systems, they often have lower cooling power and may require regular maintenance. 

Mini-splits are another type of air conditioner that provide greater cooling power and offer more flexibility. They can be used to cool multiple rooms or even an entire house, but they require a bit more installation work than window units. Mini-splits also come with higher price tags, as well as additional energy costs.

Finally, central air systems are the most powerful type of air conditioner. They typically provide the highest cooling power and can be used to cool an entire house. However, they also require more installation work than window units or mini-splits, as well as more energy costs. 

Decide which system is best for you based on size and budget constraints

When deciding on an AC system, it’s important to keep in mind size and budget constraints. Consider the size of your home or apartment, as well as the number of rooms you want to cool. Window units are usually most suitable for smaller spaces, while mini-splits and central air systems are better for larger areas. 

Budgeting is also crucial when choosing an AC system. Window units tend to be the most affordable option, while mini-splits and central air systems can get expensive. Make sure you set a realistic budget before making your purchase, as this will help narrow down your options. 

Compare different models to find the most energy-efficient option

When shopping for an AC system, it’s important to compare different models and find the most energy-efficient option. Different models come with varying power ratings and energy costs, so be sure to do your research before making a final decision. 

Look for air conditioners with high seasonal energy efficiency ratios (SEERs), as these will help you save money on energy bills. Additionally, consider other features such as noise level, cost of installation and maintenance, and warranty coverage. With these factors in mind, you can further narrow down your list of potential AC systems.

Calculate the correct size of the system and BTUs needed for your home

Once you’ve decided on the type of AC system that best fits your needs, it’s time to calculate the correct size and BTUs needed for your home. The cooling capacity of an air conditioner is measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs) and is determined by the square footage and climate of a particular space.

To calculate the BTUs you need, measure the square footage of each room or area to be cooled. Next, add up all the measurements and multiply that number by 25 if your space is located in a mild climate, 35 if it’s located in a warm climate, and 40-60 if it’s located in a hot climate. The resulting number will be the BTU rating that you need for your AC system. 

Once you’ve calculated the proper size and BTUs for your air conditioner, you can begin shopping around for a system that meets your needs.

Prepare the area and ensure proper ventilation

Before installing your air conditioner, you’ll need to make sure the area is properly prepared. This means ensuring that there is adequate ventilation for the system and that all wiring and plumbing are safely done.

First, check if the area meets local building codes and safety regulations, as well as any manufacturer’s specifications. If not, make the necessary changes before proceeding. 

Next, choose a location to install your AC system that is close to an electrical outlet and has good airflow. Make sure there are at least 12 inches of clearance between the air conditioner and any other objects.

Finally, make sure you have adequate ventilation for the system by installing a vent in an outside wall, and conduct a proper ventilation system servicing if required. The vent should be at least two feet away from any windows or doors, and it should provide a direct route for the air to escape from the system. This will help ensure proper circulation of air and efficient operation of your AC unit. 

Contact a technician to have the AC unit installed

Once you’ve prepared the area and chosen the right size, it’s time to have your AC system installed. The best way to ensure that your air conditioner is properly installed and functioning properly is to hire a qualified AC installation Edmonton technician.

A professional HVAC technician will be able to accurately measure the space for installation and determine any required components, such as vents, air ducts, condensate pumps, or evaporator coils. They will also be able to inspect your home and make sure that all wiring and plumbing are safely done. 

Additionally, they can advise on any energy-saving measures you can take in order to reduce your energy bills. This includes installing a programmable thermostat, regular mvhr service, sealing any cracks or gaps in the walls, and making sure all filters are clean.