How Long Do Water Heaters Last?

Homeowners who want to make sure their water heater is reliable and efficient should know how long it will last.

Homeowners should note that there are several factors that can affect its longevity. This article will discuss these factors in detail, as well as provide tips on how to extend the life of your home’s water heater. We’ll also explore signs you may need a replacement and what kind of maintenance it requires to keep running smoothly for years to come.

Read on to learn more! You can also visit this page if you’d like to learn more about water heaters.

How Long Is a Water Heater Supposed to Last? — An In-Depth Guide for Homeowners

Homeowners who want to make sure their water heater is reliable and efficient should know how long it will last. On average, a conventional tank-style electric water heater lasts 10–15 years, while gas-powered models typically last 5–15 years. However, there are several factors that can affect its longevity.

The age of the unit is one of the most important considerations. Older models, especially those manufactured before 1995, tend to have shorter lifespans than newer models. Additionally, improper maintenance and installation can reduce a water heater’s lifespan significantly. Incorrect gas pressure or foreign substances in the tank can also cause damage that reduces its lifespan.

To make sure your water heater lives up to its potential life expectancy, you should take steps to maintain it properly and regularly inspect it for signs of wear and tear. Regular flushing and descaling can help remove built-up sediment from the bottom of the tank, reducing corrosion over time that could shorten its useful life. Additionally, inspecting pipes for leaks or other signs of trouble can help you catch any issues before they become costly problems. 

Signs you may need a replacement include rusting tanks or rumbling noises coming from pipes or valves. If your water isn’t getting hot enough or remains lukewarm for too long after use, this could also be an indication that you need a new heater sooner rather than later.

By following these tips and keeping an eye on any warning signs of trouble, homeowners can ensure their water heaters last as long as possible—and provide reliable hot water for many years to come!

What Factors Affect the Lifespan of a Water Heater?

There are several factors that can negatively affect the overall lifespan of your water heater, some of which include:

  1. Age of the unit: Older models, especially those manufactured before 1995, tend to have shorter lifespans than newer models.
  2. Maintenance and installation: Improper maintenance and incorrect installation can significantly reduce a water heater’s life expectancy.
  3. Gas pressure: Incorrect gas pressure can cause damage to the tank which reduces its lifespan.
  4. Foreign substances in the tank: Foreign substances such as dirt or debris in the tank can lead to corrosion and other problems that reduce its useful lifespan over time.
  5. Sediment build-up: Regular flushing and descaling of built-up sediment from the bottom of the tank helps prevent corrosion and extends its useful life span accordingly.
  6. Leaks/damage: Inspecting pipes for leaks or other signs of trouble on a regular basis will help you catch any issues before they become costly problems which could further shorten your water heater’s lifespan.

What Are Signs You Need a New Water Heater?

Here are three signs that indicate you should contact a plumbing company to replace your water heater:

  • Rusting tank: A rusting tank or rumbling noises coming from pipes or valves are signs you may need to replace your water heater.
  • Insufficient hot water: If your water isn’t getting hot enough or remains lukewarm for too long after use, this could also be an indication that you need a new heater sooner rather than later.
  • Persistent smells/tastes of rust in the water: This is another sign that it’s time to replace the unit, as sediment build-up and corrosion have likely caused damage to the tank’s interior over time.

How Long Do Water Heaters Last? — Conclusion

By understanding how long water heaters last, what factors affect their lifespan, and the signs that indicate it’s time for a replacement, homeowners can ensure their water heaters are reliable and efficient—and will provide hot water for many years to come!  With the right maintenance and care, a conventional tank-style electric water heater should last 10–15 years and gas-powered models should last 5–15 years.

However, the age of the unit, improper maintenance and installation, incorrect gas pressure, or foreign substances in the tank can all reduce its life expectancy significantly. Regular inspection of pipes for leaks or other signs of trouble can help you catch any issues before they become costly problems that shorten your water heater’s lifespan even more.


If you experience rusting tanks or rumbling noises coming from pipes or valves, if you’re not getting sufficient hot water, or if your water tastes and smells of rust, it may be time to replace the unit.