An Ultimate Guide On How To Plan Your Playground Project

Outdoor playgrounds are most important and beneficial spaces for growing kids. It is not just for their fun and play, but a place where they learn and grow through their physical activities indulgence. Research show that physical activities are the best way to improve kids’ physical, emotional, and cognitive skills.

Hence, most of the schools, parks, residential, and commercial spaces prefer to install playgrounds to attract and enchant their potential visitors. Playground projects need huge time and money investment. It requires a great deal of effective planning and precise decision-making. Playground project planning involves overwhelming multi-step process to examine various considerable factors.

If your planning succeeds, it provides tremendous rewards resulting in appealing, aesthetic, and elegant playground for kids. Otherwise, it may seem to be a daunting experience.

In this article, you will find a stepwise guide to help you plan your playground project.

  1. Creating a playground planning committee

You must hire highly skilled people who have successfully handled varieties of projects. They must have diverse expertise to handle various tasks of your project. Based on the capabilities and skills, you can divide tasks and responsibilities ranging from planning and design to fundraising and installation processes.

  1. Set your budget

Setting a budget for your playground project is the initial and most important step in your planning process. It helps you to decide on various essential parameters for commencing your project works. It may help you to decide on any required demolition of existing structure or to design your project to include them in your plan.

It will also provide a clear overview of expect results from your project and how to invest in various steps of your project. If you have a fixed budget, you will spend limited resources. It will reduce the chances of unnecessary expenses on various components of your playground installations like design and quality of commercial playground accessories. Generally, such expenses become huge unnecessary investments at the end of the project.

  1. Raise your funds

You will approach parents, investors, and other financial organizations to raise funds to cover your entire project expenses. You may also need to apply for various governmental funding grants.

  1. Determine your objectives

Another important concern in project planning is determining your dream and objective to install playground.

Objectives that you may need to examine includes –

  1. Best contractor – Research to find the best and reputed constructional contractors to handle your project.
  2. Uses and traffic – Determine the age groups of your playground users. You must find the approximate incoming traffic at a time. These parameters will help you to find a suitable design, theme, shape, and size of your playground.
  3. Perfect location – To attract immense traffic, your playground must be installed in an easily accessible, visible, and safe place.
  4. Other amenities – You must check whether your current design is enough to attract users or you need some other amenities to be installed.
  5. Product quality – You need to work out on the quality of playground equipment and accessories you need to install. Procuring high-quality products means improved safety, durability and better warranty.
  1. Plan the installation

Once your site is ready along with the completion of procurement and certification stage, you can work with professionals to get your playground installed and operational.

When planning a playground project, it is important to consider the safety of the children who will be using it. One essential safety feature to include is playground softfall. This material helps absorb impact and reduce the risk of injury in case of falls or accidents. It is important to choose the right type of  softfall based on factors such as the height of the equipment and the age range of the children using the playground. By prioritizing safety in your project plan, you can ensure a fun and safe play experience for all.