Male Hair Loss-What You Need To Know

According to a survey, hair can make a person attractive. It highlights your facial features, making you look more pleasing. But what if you suffer from hair loss? Especially male hair loss – what you need to know. We, The Hair Transplant Malaysia, offer you professional hair loss treatment Malaysia.

What is Male Pattern Baldness?

The most typical type of hair problem in men is male pattern baldness. It is a genetic or sex-linked condition you inherited from your parents. Men’s hair is lost in a predicted manner starting from above the temples leading to a receding hairline. It can be temporary or permanent.


Male hair loss can begin as early as in the teenage years or early twenties. Sometimes it appears later in life and in their 50s, half of the population of men experienced this. Changes to the typical hair growth cycle may result in hair loss.


Most hair remains in a growth phase during the normal hair-growth cycle (known as the anagen phase). Before it falls out and new hair begins to grow in its place, this phase lasts for roughly 3 to 6 years. In areas of the scalp that is affected, hair has a much shorter growth phase of a few weeks or months before it starts to fall out. Bald patches and hair loss are the results of this process.




Male pattern baldness appears to begin after puberty. Depending on what is causing it, hair loss can manifest itself in a variety of ways. It can affect your scalp or the entire body, and it can start suddenly or gradually.


As men get older, they are more likely to experience loss of hair at the top of their heads. Their hairline on the forehead frequently starts to recede. Some of them experience hair loss in the form of bald patches or circles. Their skin suddenly feels itchy before their hair falls. This can be seen on their eyebrows, beards, or scalp.


Washing or stroking your hair results in losing your hair. You can see a handful of inches on your hand even with a gentle tug. Over time, your hair becomes finer, shorter, and thinner.



The Norwood Scale

There are a lot of classification systems used in determining the severity of hair loss. In measuring male pattern baldness the Norwood Scale System is the most popular. From one to seven stages—with seven being the worst—it rates the severity of your hair loss.

Norwood Stage 1:

The first stage is commonly called the control stage. In this, there is no visible sign of hair loss or hair receding.

Norwood Stage 2:

The second stage is known as the adult maturing hairline. You can see your hair slightly receding from your temples at this stage.

Norwood Stage 3:

The third stage is where the sign of balding starts. You’ll notice that hair loss at the crown of your head. Another thing you might observe is that your hair starts to recede on your temple forming a shape like a letter of V, U, or M.

Norwood Stage 4:

In this stage, your hair loss is severe, leaving the vertex—the top of your head—with little to no hair. The two areas of hair loss are now separated by a strip of hair that joins the hair on the sides of the head.

Norwood Stage 5:

At this stage, your receding hairline and crown bald spot is much larger. The hair between the two balding areas is significantly thinner than the strip of hair in stage 4.

Norwood Stage 6:

At this stage, there is no hairline connecting the bald regions on the crown and forehead. At this point, a person may still have hair on the sides of their heads, but they are primarily bald.

Norwood Stage 7:

This is the stage in which hair loss is the most severe. The only hair left on your head is a band that wraps around the sides and back of your head. The hair you have left may be fine or sparse.

What Causes My Hair Loss?

A family history of the condition or genetics is the two main causes of male pattern baldness. In studies, androgens, the male sex hormones, have been linked to male pattern baldness.


Controlling hair growth is just one of the many roles of androgens. Shorter and finer strands of hair are produced due to the condition. It weakens hair growth and shrinks hair follicles. Each hair’s growth cycle comes to an end, and no more hair can grow in its place.


A condition called telogen effluvium might also be a cause. It is a common cause of hair loss which occurs when a person is under a lot of stress or has a physical change. This condition is temporary and the hair will grow back in the usual way. Patchy hair loss is caused by other medical conditions like alopecia areata.


Excessive styling or tight-pulling hairstyles like pigtails can also cause hair loss. Both hot oil treatments and permanent hair dye can dry your hair and cause it to fall out. Scarring could cause hair loss to become permanent. Other factors include specific medications, an excess of vitamin A, and a lack of protein.



Is Genetic Hair Loss Like Male Patterned Baldness Curable?

Hereditary hair loss is harmless but it is genetic, so there is no cure. It can be distressing and frustrating but some treatments can slow it down. One theory holds that stress causes hair loss by producing more sex hormones in the body. Walking, spending time alone, and nature walks are effective ways to relieve stress.

Worried About Losing Your Hair?

Here are things you can do to prevent and treat hair loss:

FDA-Approved Medications for Male Pattern Baldness:


It lessens hair loss, promotes hair growth, and strengthens existing hair strands. Although minoxidil can be helpful, a complete regrowth is unlikely. It also doesn’t need a prescription and is the most known treatment for male pattern hair loss.


80% to 90% of men who take Finasteride notice a reduction in future hair loss. Some men also experience hair regrowth. It typically happens in men who begin finasteride as soon as they start to experience hair loss. Unlike minoxidil, finasteride needs a prescription.

Treatment Procedures for Male Pattern Baldness:

These two procedures may be suggested depending on where and how much hair is being lost.


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

The scalp is injected with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to encourage hair growth. Although PRP is not a long-term fix, follow-up treatments can help you keep your results.

Hair Transplant

A hair transplant might be an option if you’re looking for a long-term fix. It is no longer necessary to move hair plugs from one area of your scalp to another during this procedure. The results of a hair transplant today can be long-lasting and natural-looking.

Other Techniques You Can Use to Prevent Hair Loss:

If there is no other underlying medical condition, no medical care is required.


Men with minor hair loss may be able to conceal it with the right haircut or hairstyle. To make thinning hair appear fuller, ask your hairstylist for a unique cut.

Hair Weaves

Wigs that are sewn into your natural hair are called hair weaves. To sew the weave into, you need to have enough hair. One benefit of weaves is that they never come off, even when you swim, take a shower, or go to bed.

Hair Extensions or Wigs

There are many types, tones, and textures of wigs. It can hide baldness altogether, receding hairlines, and thinning hair. For an even more natural appearance, hairpieces can be styled and fitted by skilled wig stylists.


Keratin makes up hair (protein). Eat a diet high in protein to grow strong, beautiful, and luscious hair. There are several natural remedies to make hair grow, but make sure to talk to your doctor before applying.


A good head of hair helps you stand out in a crowd. You gain confidence and identity from it. You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for hair treatment. Hair Transplant Malaysia is here to help. Stop your hair loss today. Start your journey to achieving lustrous, stronger, and healthier hair with us today. We can stop your hair loss. We can regrow your hair. We can make you look years younger. Visit us at for more details