How Much Are Betta Fish?

The scientific name for giant betta fish is Betta anabatoides. They are members of the Macropdusinae subfamily and the gourami family. These unusual freshwater fish are indigenous to Indonesia’s Borneo region. In comparison to typical Siamese fighting fish, giant betta fish are typically less violent. The largest male and female betta splendens species that are available are frequently selected for breeding giant bettas. Giant betta fish are the result of this selective breeding.

Difference Between a King Betta and a Giant Betta

Normal-sized betta fish are known as king betta fish (betta imbellis). True to its name, giant bettas can reach lengths of 3 to 5 inches or more.

Can Male Giant Bettas Live Together?

Males should still be kept apart even though these fish tend to be more docile. Fish like tetras, rasboras, guppies, corydoras, and mollies are suitable companions.

How Big Do Giant Betta Fish Get?

These impressive tropical fish can occasionally reach lengths of up to 7 inches, although typically they only reach lengths of 3 to 5 inches.

What Size Tank Does a Giant Betta Need?

For a single Giant betta fish, we advise a 5-gallon tank. If you’re thinking of adding a few companion fish, get a tank that is at least 10 gallons.

How Long Do Giant Betta Fish Live?

Large betta fish have a lifespan of two to three years. They typically live a little bit less than regular betta fish, but with good care and breeding, they can live up to around 5 years.

What Do Giant Betta Fish Eat?

The same diet as regular bettas is consumed by these large bettas. Commercial pellets or flakes, fresh, freeze-dried, or frozen feeds including brine shrimp, daphnia, mosquito larvae, fruit flies, and mealworms, as well as other options, can be fed to them. Always check the source of your live foods to ensure they are safe and uncontaminated by germs, parasites, or chemicals.

How Much to Feed Giant Bettas?

These pet fish tend to develop nearly twice as quickly while they are young, in addition to becoming bigger than typical betta fish. The size of a 4-month-old huge betta will therefore probably be similar to that of an 8-month-old regular betta. These fish also require extra food. They’ll eat nearly twice as much as regular bettas. For instance, an adult Giant betta will require 8 to 10 pellets or pieces of food while you would typically feed 4 or 5 to your adult betta. Never feed your betta too much. Bettas eat in a hurry. Reduce the amount you feed your betta if you see leftover food after a few minutes. Feed once or twice daily on a consistent schedule.

How to Care for Giant Betta Fish?

Giant betta fish require the same care as ordinary betta fish, with the exception of a bigger tank and more food.

Pick a water heater that maintains a temperature between 76 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit and a tank that holds at least 5 gallons. Before being added to the tank, water should always be treated with a water conditioner. Regular cleanings will keep the tank sanitary and healthy for your huge betta. Give your fish a high-quality meal once or twice every day. Read more about caring for betta fish.

Where to Buy Giant Betta Fish?

JV Betta accepts online orders for Giant Betta Fish. Their pet betta fish shop is based in the US and is run by our family. They operate out of Florida and ship all across the country. They give rare betta fish to their new, adoring homes because they care about them. They carefully pack and deliver your particular pet to your house. Giant betta for sale can be purchased online right now and delivered to your front door.