Top 3 Geometric Artists That Should Be On Your Radar

Going back to the earliest constructivists fast forward to recent art history and the international tradition of constructivism we can see a clear correlation between these artists.. Geometry has the ability to alter any discipline by demonstrating how lovely its laws are. When these criteria are followed correctly in the art world and the colors are used appropriately, these paintings have the ability to create an illusion. Geometry is much more than simply academics, and many people believe that it is all for the goal of passing the school subject with flying colors and then being worthless. We often forget that these principles apply in the actual world and have genuine significance, which we humans apperceive to do more than just complete the course.

The following artists have demonstrated that geometric art is the greatest type of art to learn to include once.

Manfred Mohr

Mohr is a German artist living in New York that incorporates natural elements of the hyper cube with computer programing into her paintings but defines them with geometric patterns. He is most popular for his computer generated geometric fragmentation of cubes.


Robert Mangold

Mangold is an American artist, began her career as an artist in emerging from the 1960s by creating minmimal geometric forms on canvas. He would organize these into paintings and bring them to life in two dimensions. He manipulates two dimensional geometry to create art in a unique way. He most recently  piece is extremely interesting because all of the items in it define each other in a really beautiful way. Commited to abstraction as a means of communication, he has worked within a consistent geometric vocabulary.

Clifford Singer

Clifford Singer is one of the pioneers of geometrical art and has been creating art for 45 years. He is a master of both math and painting and has been teaching both for over 25 years. He has created some really mind-blowing paintings throughout the years, including the ‘Portals,’ ‘Universe,’ ‘Hyper Cube Sereis,’ ‘Limacon,’ ‘Strophoid,’ and the most sought-after, ‘Geometrical Clouds Series.’ All of his paintings are one-of-a-kind works of art that include extraordinary lines, patterns, colors, and forms. He enjoys incorporating components of academia that are then braided together with art to create one-of-a-kind work. So much so that his paintings can be found in well-known institutions such as the New York Museum of Modern Art, the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, the Boca Raton Museum of Art, the Lincoln Center/List Art Posters, IBM, Mobil Oil Corporation, the Bridges Organization, and numerous other publications, universities, and corporations. His paintings have seen many phases as they came and went.

With their distinct perspectives, these artists are truly revolutionizing the world of art. Seeing academia transformed into art is one of the most beautiful things to see, and they have demonstrated over and again that it is possible. If you haven’t heard of them, go check them up and alter your mind.


Website: www.CliffordSinger.Net