It’s an Emoji Revolution: Its time for the Tampon Emoji

In the age where emojis have become an integral part of communication, it’s surprising to know that there is no emoji dedicated to period products. Though many have tried to propose one, the Unicode Consortium has denied all previous efforts. This is where Wildly Spaces comes in, as they seek to collect signatures to support the tampon emoji’s inclusion. Having an emoji that represents period products would go a long way in breaking down the stigma around menstruation and creating safe spaces where women can discuss menstrual health without fear of judgment. Read on to find out why we should push for the inclusion of the tampon emoji and how you can help.

Firstly, having a tampon emoji would promote menstrual health awareness and encourage women to be more open about their periods. With an emoji dedicated solely to period products, women could communicate their menstrual needs more effectively, without using cumbersome phrases or complicated ways to express themselves. This could allow for more fruitful conversations about menstruation, breaking down any stigma and normalizing the experience for everyone involved.

Secondly, it would enable women to talk about menstruation in online interactions without feeling embarrassed or ashamed. Social media has become a space where people can express themselves freely, but there is still a lot of judgment around the topic of periods. The tampon emoji could help break this silence and create a safe space where people can communicate openly, without fear of ridicule or shame.

Thirdly, having an emoji dedicated to menstrual hygiene also recognizes the importance of menstrual health. The lack of conversation around periods has led to some women feeling isolated in their experiences, and their health concerns may be dismissed or overlooked. With the inclusion of a tampon emoji, the conversation around menstrual health could be normalized, and women can discuss their needs without worrying about stigma.

Fourthly, the tampon emoji could help in creating a more inclusive society by bridging the communication gap. Millions of women menstruate worldwide, and a tampon emoji would allow those women, to communicate about their experiences more efficiently with individuals who don’t experience the same thing.

FifthlyWildly Spaces effort to collect signatures to support the tampon emoji is essential because of the power in numbers. They need the support of not only women but organizations and anyone who believes in the importance of the emoji. With more supporters, the message sent to the Unicode Consortium is more substantial, letting them know that there is a considerable demand and need for the tampon emoji.


having a tampon emoji is crucial because it would help to create an environment where women can communicate openly and unashamedly about their periods. The inclusion of an emoji dedicated to menstrual hygiene would not only break down stigma but also help bridge the communication gap between menstruating and non-menstruating individuals worldwide. It’s high time we join the Wildly Spaces initiative by signing the petition, following their Instagram account (@wildlyspaces), and encouraging others to do the same. We must come together to not only normalize discussions around menstrual health but also show that periods are nothing to be ashamed of.