Why You Should Use Wax Melts Instead of Candles

A wax burner is typically used to heat wax melts. Contrary to candles, there isn’t a naked flame to worry about, therefore there aren’t any risks to your home or the chance of young children accidentally getting injured. Wax melts are significantly easier to use than burning candles because they have no flame.

Some folks prefer electrical wax burners to tea-light-operated melters because they believe they are safer around children.


#1. Wax Melts Don’t Have Flames


According to the National Fire Protection Association, candle-related fires between 2014 and 2018 resulted in approximately $278 million in immediate residential destruction. Although decorative candles are adorable, there is a chance that anything else could accidentally catch fire due to the open flame. Wax warmer simply need power, unlike candles, which also need a flame. Electric wax melt warmers are used to warm fragrant wax tarts, melts, or cubes. These warmers frequently have a small incandescent bulb or an internal ceramic heater. The built-in heater provides exactly the right amount of heat to warm the wax melts, tarts, or blocks and releases the fragrance in 10 min at most.


#2. Candles May Burn for Longer Than Wax Melts


The typical burn period of wax melts and candles can potentially be influenced by a variety of circumstances. The typical burn time can be influenced by the kind of wax, quantity of fragrances, fire point, and volume of the candle or wax melt. Despite this, some people choose wax melts over candles due to their long burn time. The typical burn time for a 16-oz candle jar is anticipated to be between 60 and 84 hours. The maximum projected burn duration per ounce is around 5 hours when divided by the weight in ounces. When compared to an 8 Oz.


#3. Wax Melts May Be More Environmentally Friendly


Did you know that glassware is one of the most durable artificial components? A glass container takes one million years to degrade, according to the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services! A year’s worth of purchases of at least one 16-oz candle would result in an additional 12 lbs. to the country’s dumps in simple candle jars only! Every year, up to 28 billion glass containers are dumped in the country’s landfills. According to some scientists, this glass trash will always be present. Reducing the amount of glass we buy above what is necessary is the first step in reducing the amount of glass waste in the country’s landfills. With the right maintenance, a single wax melt warmer can last anywhere between 4 and 6 years. By choosing wax melt warmers over conventional candle jars, you could help the environment by preventing the production of 48 lbs. of trash.


#4. Waxes Don’t Produce Soot


While using fragrant candles for wax warmers, be mindful of the soot they emit and how it could affect the quality of your air. Candles can eventually ruin the margins of your furnishings and fade your paintwork and draperies. Contact with soot is also accompanied by health risks. Breathing difficulties can result from agitating respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. In addition, once the soot gets into your circulation, it can trigger cancer, cardiac arrest, and stroke.




Unquestionably superior to scented candles are scented wax melts. Even if there are children present, it is a wonderfully entertaining and safe experience because they come in such a wide variety of colors and scents! Given all the benefits listed above, it is unquestionably worthwhile to give wax melts a try the next time you decide to buy some high-end home fragrances.