React SEO: Tips to Build SEO-Friendly Web Applications

With upgrading technology, React has become the prominent choice for developing interactive and intuitive web pages. Its performance-driven approach and attractive interface have encouraged web developers to experiment with SEO-friendly techniques that bring maximum website traffic.

Organizations can consider react developer on hourly rate to develop the SEO-friendly interface with React to develop interactive web applications. There are specific compatibility challenges in React and SEO because of their approach toward the user. While developing with React, developers primarily focus on client-side rendering.

On the contrary, Google has its prime focus on server-side rendering. This situation creates enormous challenges for both platforms. Further in this article, we will discuss the key challenges of using React for building SEO-friendly web applications. Moreover, we will discuss the significant tips to overcome them and improve compatibility.

Working Criteria of Search Engine: 

SEO (search engine optimization) has become highly important for the digital presence of any business or application. It is a simple process to drive quality traffic to the website for better exposure.

It is increased by some specific employee practices, which automatically generate the website at a prominent position with a single search or click. While building the web application, the central focus is to make it discoverable through particular keywords and specific strategies. Let us discuss how google process the website to list with priority. It includes three significant steps:

  • Crawling: Googlebot is considered the primary crawler that searches websites with novel and updated content. Crawlers search for new pages that they follow along with the web pages and sitemaps the website host offers. 
  • Indexing: after listing the prominent list of content, Google understands the subject of the content. It perfectly understands the content with the textual description with some images and videos. Content with catchy and small meta descriptions, meaningful and sensical tiles, and heading is an integral part as Google understands the content with these elements better. 
  • Ranking: It is the final stage where Google decides to place the content in a particular search according to relevance to the user’s research. Hence to appear prominently in the Google search, it is vital to building the content according to the target audience with quality content. It helps to improve the ranking on Google search. 

Significant Challenges of React and SEO: 

React is a renowned platform for building dynamic and responsive applications. Today’s market represents some of the best features, and performance-driven React apps, which advanced accessibility to open script Java library and highly responsive features. Yet there are specific React challenges reported that impact the programming and processing on the practical platform. Usually, React is used to develop three types of applications:

  • Static application
  • Dynamic application and
  • Single page application

Discussing the core concept of single-page React applications, it loads its web application from a client-side server with an empty container. Further, the container is filled when the Javascript enforces the webpage’s desired content. Hence to run SPA, it requires a script to run before loading the content on the user’s end.

Therefore, the core issue with React SPA, in which Googlebot is enforcing the search of specific content, it receives no content for crawling with an empty container. Hence, such webpages are difficult to index and fall lower in Google ranking. Below are the critical challenges of React SEO with SPA development are mentioned. Let us have a look:

  • Restricted Crawling Budget:  

Google bots are constantly searching for new websites and information based on relatable market trends and user approaches. According to market insights, around 252,000 websites are developed per day.

Hence, Google is constantly updating the website’s ranking with specific information and updating through continuous crawling and indexing. Indeed, it has a fixed time slot for crawling for a particular topic or search. Therefore, it dedicates the website with relative content and information, meanwhile indexes it accordingly and moving towards the next one.

  • SPA URL Issues: 

The React framework developed with hash (#) mode eventually fragments the URL homepage of a particular website in specific categories in the SPA web application. The primary issue with this particular aspect is that while crawling, Google ignores the hash contents as it needs a small part of the information from that page.

  • Dynamic SEO Tags Are Absent:

SPA applications are pretty famous for their quick and dynamic content loading. Because of this, while crawling, the metadata updating and loading issue often occurs and creates problems. In contrast, Google is compatible with selecting instant and up-to-date information.

Critical Strategies To Develop React SEO-Friendly Web Applications: 

There are multiple strategies by which developing responsive and interactive web applications becomes relatively easy and help get better SEO rankings on Google. Let us look at some of them:

  • Isomorphic React Apps: 

Building the isomorphic React apps enables the integration of the desired modifications in the original app, which automates the running app from the server and client’s side. This strategy enables the rendering of the browser HTML file to the React application. It eventually improves the accessibility of the HTML files for browsing, indexing, and the Google bots.

  • React SEO Optimization Tools: 

Integrating SEO in React apps marks high-end improved performance when specific native tools are implemented. Below are the mentions:

  • React helmet: The document head manager of the React app enables easy updating of meta tags on the server and client side. It upgrades the app with social media and SEO-friendly platforms. It supports all the validated head tags, HTML body, title tags, and server-side rendering.
  • React router: It extensively supports the SPAs for adequate performance by leveraging SEO practices. Below are some of the best considerations for using React router: 
  • Case sensitive: Using lowercase titles is considerably a pro tip to prevent duplication of meta tags.
  • Using links with “herf” tags: Links with ” herf ” tags enable the Google bot to search for several other web pages with relevant information.


These are a few tips that help to develop the responsive and performance-driven mobile application development. There are minimum React SEO challenges reported in static and dynamic application. The key challenges and limitations occur in developing the SPA React application. React SPA is highly popular for its advanced responsiveness and smooth navigation. However, specific features with plenty of others become an immense issue for React SEO development and optimization. Implementing the mentioned tips in the article can help with similar challenges and complications.