5 Ways to Harness The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

Our conscious minds may be in charge of functions like decision-making, but our subconscious minds are the true drivers of our bodies. Important functions like breathing, eating, making memories, and even decision-making, to an extent, are driven by our subconscious. Many of our decisions are based on the information our subconscious mind has gathered. 

It’s no surprise, then, that the subconscious mind uses up more than 90% of brain power. Joseph Murphy, in his book, “The Power of the Subconscious Mind”, shows users how they can live the life of their dreams by harnessing the power of the subconscious. 

In this article, I’ll be highlighting five of his top suggestions.

Make the Subconscious Conscious 

The first step towards harnessing the power of your subconscious mind is to be aware of it. Many self-sabotaging habits are rooted in the subconscious mind. Past trauma and low self-esteem can inform many behaviours that become obstacles to success. Awareness of the state of the subconscious mind helps you curb the root thoughts before they get out of hand. 

You can also start repairing these faulty thought lines but reinforcing good thoughts. Dream Interpretation can also provide insight into the subconscious mind. Analyzing the symbolism and imagery of your dreams allows you to uncover beliefs, fears, and desires that exist below the surface. Keeping a dream journal and reflecting on patterns over time is a powerful way to increase self-awareness and personal growth. As you become more aware of the hidden drivers behind your behaviors through dream analysis, you gain more control over steering your mindset and actions toward success.

Open Your Mind to the Impossible 

Imagine the impossible. You can hit goals and milestones you think are so far away. Do away with words like “if” and replace them with “when”. Do it enough times, and your subconscious starts preparing itself for success.

Program Yourself to Win 

Dare to go after your goals. Program your subconscious to be in a winning mode. Then, your conscious thoughts and actions would align with the winning mindset.

Let thoughts of you working dominate your subconscious until that’s all you can think about. Success begins in mind; actions follow suit. 

Next up, program your daily activities to reflect your passion. Have to-do lists that contain at least one activity that takes you one step closer to your goal.

Visualise Your Win 

The power of visualising your dreams is underestimated. Drive your passion to obsession. Imagine yourself winning that award or getting to that dream size. The more you can see yourself in your winning moment, the more fired up and the closer to winning you’ll be.

Through deep introspection and mindful practices, individuals can elevate their awareness to higher consciousness and vividly visualize their inner potential and purpose of winning.

To help you visualise, use points of reference that you can easily remember, like what you’ll wear, say, or how you’ll style your hair.

Reinforce Your Belief 

Pursuing a dream is not as straightforward as it’s often depicted. Some days are pretty hard, and it’ll take all you have to work toward your goals on those days. It’s important to have measures to reinforce your belief in yourself to get the work done. 

It can be a similar challenge that you’ve overcome in the past. Or it could be success stories from people who come from similar backgrounds and have beat similar goals

Keep these stories on your mind as you work towards achieving your goal.


Your subconscious mind is the most powerful tool for success, but only when you can harness it. If you can harness the power of your subconscious mind, you can make all your dreams come true. It starts with the five steps above.