What to Include in the Ultimate University Care Package

Credit: Racool_studio Via Freepik

You may have survived back-to-school shopping for the new or sophomore university student in your family, but now is the time to send them extra support to ensure they survive the school year. The middle to the latter portion of the first term of university or college is the most critical for new students, especially those studying away from home, so they need all the support they can get.

The Benefit of University Care Packages

One of the best ways to remind students they are loved and supported despite the distance between you is to send a care package. After all, young adults love getting mail because they aren’t likely to find much else in their mailboxes. They are also likely to see other students at their school receive care packages, which will make them feel forgotten if none arrive.

What to Include in Your Ultimate Care Package

A care package should be everything its name suggests: items that show your loved ones that they are cared for, even from afar. Some of the best items that you can include in a care package are personal reminders of things from home that no one can suggest but you.

In this respect, you might consider adding a reminder of childhood, such as a book they enjoyed while young. That said, you should also include plenty of practical items that the person will be able to use today, rather than a bunch of keepsakes that are better stored safely in your home.

Considering Food Items

Other items that work well are foods that ship well and will last without spoiling for the time it takes to send the package to wherever it needs to arrive. If the distance isn’t very far or you are willing to spend extra money on a courier service, the baked goods you have made are a perfect choice. Sending a few extra snacks will provide a welcome surprise as well.


When someone is away from home for the first time, they may not have all the clothing they need to get through the year. Clothing is always a good gift for a care package because even the best clothes wear out eventually and need to be replaced. You might consider sending warm socks for women or men, depending on whether you’re shipping your package to a son or daughter. The warmest socks can be worn indoors on cold nights so that your child can feel extra comfort in a drafty dorm.

Cleaning Supplies and Gift Cards

Remember, the person receiving your care package isn’t used to living on their own, so they are not accustomed to taking care of a home. Cleaning supplies will help to ensure they take proper care of their home while eliminating the need to figure out everything about home cleanliness on their own. Gift cards will ensure that the money you send will go to practical things rather than being spent frivolously.

If you want to help your family member feel loved during their first year of university, assemble a care package containing warm clothing, delicious treats, and more.