A Beautiful Lavender Soap Recipe

Do you want to know an easy recipe to make lavender soap? You are in the right spot!

A few days ago, I heard a discussion in a bar about homemade soap.

I suddenly have come to realize that most homemade soaps are heavy and greasy. So making soap is hard, even for a simple lavender soap recipe.

After some time, I discovered that soap made from good ingredients was simple to make. However, I didn’t want to make it because of my fear of lye.

 I have wanted to make soap by myself since my teen years. However, I was afraid to use actual lye because I had some other issues to resolve as a youngling. My lavender bar soap recipe would also have to wait.

 It is understandable why someone would choose to buy soap made from scratch instead of making it 100% at home. It is faster and more convenient as well.

It is a rather important thing to remember that homemade hand soap is not the same as commercial soap, as you can already guess.

This kind of soap usually is with no nourishing properties left, and you have only a hard, skin-drying soap. It is rather effective in killing germs and dirt removal, but that is all. But it is not good at making your skin feel nourished. Not at all!

What can a gal possibly do if she does not want a soap that is inferior but, at the same time, also does not want the farmer’s market price?

A rather simple answer, actually. Some things are worth it as they are easy to make. It’s even easier to make homemade lavender soap.

Some time passed, and I was finally able to get over my fear of lye. For the first time ever in my life, I didn’t have to worry about what people would say. And so, I ordered lye and started soap-making. Since I’ve been using lye for so long, I think I’m more accustomed to the risk now that I have children.

However, I keep my lye in a locked container at a safe distance from the kids.

Soap making is now a solitary hobby for a mom. If you have children, you’ll know how difficult it can be to find time for a solo hobby and how satisfying it can fill your soul.

Soap isn’t just something that you do for fun. It’s also something that can be used to make a living, as well. This means that asking your husband for help is not only justified but also feels less selfish.

Making soap is my favorite hobby. I enjoy making soap with different oils and, of course, fragrance oils to create the perfect lather. It is easy for me to make soap with a great and tender scent.

This simple lavender soap recipe is a favorite of mine. It is one of my favorites. The soft, floral scent of lavender is quite a great choice. This is an absolutely wonderful way to relax after a long hectic day. It also helps protect your skin from wrinkles, acne, and other inflammatory conditions.

Simple Lavender Soap Recipe


  • Two oz. 2 oz.
  • Six oz. 6 oz.
  • Four oz. coconut oil
  • 4 oz. Olive oil
  • Eight oz. 8 oz.
  • 1/2 oz. Lavender essential oil


  1. Take care and be extremely careful when you are about to measure your ingredients. It is super important not to open your lye before you are ready to measure. You should immediately mix your milk or water with it, especially if you are located in a humid area. Lye can absorb moisture and stick to your measuring device or get lumpy.
  2. Place water or goat milk in a warm, ventilated place, preferably outdoors.
  3. Sprinkle lye granules over the milk and stir it with a spatula,non-reactive spoon, or some other tool until it dissolves properly.
  4. Allow mixture to cool down until it reaches 100 degrees.
  5. While the oil is melting, cool it to 100 degrees. An instant-infrared thermometer is my favorite, but you can also use a candy thermometer.
  6. Once the temperatures are right, slowly add the oil to the milk/lye mixture.
  7. Use an immersion blender to mix the soap mixture for between 5-15 minutes until it reaches a trace. There are many articles that contain descriptive photos and explain well enough what a trace is.
  8. Mix essential oil with the water and stir well.
  9. Place the soap mixture in a mold(You can easily purchase it online I doubled the recipe to fill it.
  10. Move your entire mold carefully to a location where it can remain undisturbed for at most 24 hours.
  11. To insulate, cover the area with a cardboard box or plastic container.
  12. You can take your soap out of the molds after 24-48 hours.
  13. Let the soap sit in a dry place for three weeks. Then, let it cool down and sweat.

I hope you find my story and my recipe entertaining. You can use it in your aromatherapy sessions