Top 5 Best Games in Assembly

Making games have become a lot easier than it used to be a few decades earlier thanks to the rapid advancement in gaming technology. And part of the reason why it’s easy to make games now is because of how easily many of the modern programming languages are.

But back then, most of the developers had to use Assembly language to develop games and if you ever been in touch with assembly language, you would already know just how hard it is. But there have been pretty cool video games made with it. Here is a list on the top 5 best games made with assembly language!

 Saga Frontier

Saga Frontier is one of the earliest RPG games developed by Square Enix. The game was released all the way back in 1997, one of the very first games to be released on the PlayStation with the SaGa brand. The game lets you play as one of the 7 different protagonists in the Solar System. The players could explore the vast world and get in turn-based fights with enemies.

Saga Frontier is known as one of the complex games developed using the Assembly language. Although it wasn’t the first game in the Saga series, it was definitely one of the most memorable ones in it.

Rollercoaster Tycoon

Speaking of complex games made with Assembly, Roller Coaster tycoon definitely claims the first place. This hectic amusement park simulator game became quite a hit back in the days due to all that it had to offer to the players. From insanely addicting gameplay to a highly rewarding experience, Rollercoaster Tycoon is probably the most complex videogame developed using Assembly.

This game laid the foundation of one of the best simulator video game series in the gaming industry. We have seen a lot of remakes and entries to this highly popular series.

NBA Jam (1993)

NBA Jam is probably one of the most popular video game series of all time but it has been a while since the game started all the way back in the 90s. And I had no idea that the early 1993 version of the NBA Jam was written entirely in assembly language.

The game has come a long way but it still remains to be a historical marvel for games that were developed using the assembly language. There are only a handful of sports games with FIFA 22 game keys ruling the soccer category and this one is definitely the best when it comes to basketball games.

Star Raiders

Going all the way back to 1979, we have one of the killer games made for Atari 8-bit. Star Raiders is a first-person space shooter and one of the most complex games of its time. This game lets you fight off other spaceships in an all-out space war.

Star Raiders was written by Doug Neaubeur, one of Atari’s developers in assembly language and it is still considered to be one of the most important games ever developed in history, so much so that Star Raiders was put in the top 10 list of the most important games of all time!


While we are on the topic of Space Shooter games, I can’t help but mention Elite, one of the very first space shooter games that were developed for Atari by none other than the developer of Star Raiders, Chris Sawyer. Elite provides familiar gameplay as the Star Raider but it is much easier to get ahold of for the new players.

Elite was entirely developed using the assembly language and became quite a hit among the space shooter lovers out there. The PC version of the game was also released to widen the audience.