How to NOT Look Like a Tourist on Your Next Hawaii Trip

Instead of carrying a large map and a heavy backpack, it’s a good idea to try and avoid looking like a tourist whilst on your trip. This can help you blend in more, but it can also just make things way easier for you no matter where you are. So here are some tips on how not to look like a complete tourist on your next Hawaii trip!

Protect yourself from the sun

There is nothing that screams more like a tourist than burnt skin and tan lines. This can blow your cover straight away, as people can tell that you are not used to the warm weather and sunlight! Adding a good sunscreen to your bag is a must in order to protect yourself from the sun, but also to prevent looking like a burnt potato. And make sure to evenly apply a coat of sunscreen instead of dabbing two lines on your face and calling it a day, that will only make you look weird! 


Wearing the appropriate clothes is a must if you don’t want to look like a total tourist. Start with the upper body – sure, Hawaii shirts are iconic and feel amazing in summer heath, but make sure to buy them when you come to Hawaii and not one beforehand, There are lots of Hawaiian clothing brands to support and wear whilst on your trip, that will make you look amazing and like any other local! Also, try to avoid dressing the whole family or friend group in the same Hawaii shirt – as that will definitely make you stand out! Instead, ask locals for fashion advice and shop from well-established Hawaii brands in order to look and feel your best. 


Picking what type of shoes to wear on vacation is not easy, especially if you are coming from a completely different climate! Make sure to stay as far away from white socks as possible – no one wants to see white socks and sandals in the middle of summer, in such a beautiful place as Hawaii. Instead, go for low-key hiking shoes, flats, sandals (without white socks), and comfortable shoes in general! Also pack two or more pairs, especially if you want to venture out into nature, you don’t want to walk around in heavy-duty shoes while in town! It’s smart to have a fancier pair or at least a light shoe that’s good for evening walks around town and even going out!

Know the lingo

It can be extremely helpful overall to understand the local lingo a bit better and even use it in your everyday speech while staying in Hawaii. There are lots of common phrases and sayings that you can easily learn and incorporate into your speech. Also learning how to properly pronounce names of streets, restaurants, local cuisine and similar can make you seem like a local rather than someone who’s just a tourist. There are lots of apps and blogs that you can use for reference, that are perfectly suited for someone who’s going to Hawaii for the first time! 

Do a bit of research

Alongside knowing a bit of local lingo, it’s important to know more about Hawaii in order to enjoy it properly. What is the local cuisine like? What are the must-try dishes and drinks? What are the popular activities and entertainment in Hawaii? These things can bring you closer to everyday culture and make you look and feel like a local. And it’s just better to know more about your traveling destination altogether! Also, learn about the local laws and policies, just in case you ever need it – you don’t want to look clueless on the spot! 

Be friends with the locals

Instead of hiring a professional tour guide and going on group tours, try to befriend some locals and spend time with them! This is great for nightlife and other fun activities, as the locals know exactly where to take you to experience the best time! If you can’t do this, make sure to plan your trip – even if you have to do it alone, you’ll look like someone who knows what they are doing! Plan out your days and all the places you want to see, all the things you want to experience and you’ll never look out of place! 

At the end of the day, Hawaii offers a lot of things, there is so much to see and experience it’s best to do it like a local rather than like a tourist! When you start to view a traveling destination through the eyes of a local, everything seems more natural and you’ll definitely enjoy it more!