Iyengar Yoga – longer hold of positions for flexibility and strength


In the 1960s, B.K.S Iyengar developed a yoga style called Iyengar Yoga, a rigorous type of yoga. Iyengar Yoga is an extremely precise kind of yoga that emphasizes alignment and accuracy. The practice focuses on the finer points of breath control (pranayama) and posture (asana), and it’s great for strengthening and stretching. For people of all ages and capacities, Iyengar yoga is an excellent way to master the nuances of proper alignment. It is a type of yoga that uses props like blocks, straps, and chairs to help you move your body into the proper alignment.

What distinguishes Iyengar Yoga from other forms of yoga?

Because Iyengar yoga emphasizes postural alignment, it may be particularly beneficial for postural and structural issues. Furthermore, the fact that you must devote your whole attention to the minute details of each position demands effort and focus, which can help to reduce tension and anxiety. To enhance safety throughout your practice, Iyengar yoga focuses on quality of movement rather than quantity.

Even though an Iyengar class appears to go at a slower pace than other types of yoga classes, you will realize that you must work hard. It may be methodical but it is far from an easy option!

Long Hold Positions for the Iyengar Yoga:

What distinguishes the Iyengar Yoga positions from those of other yoga styles? Read through the following examples to understand better.

Forward Bend While Seated (Paschimottanasana):

To provide you greater support, the Forward Seat Bend according to Iyengar is performed with the use of thick pillow stacks or layered towels. You must sit by keeping your back upright and your legs straight while placing the cubes over your knees. As a result, when you lean forward, you will find your fingertips touching your toes with your elbows and also your arms propped up against the pillow stack. This posture stretches your spine, shoulders, and hamstrings in addition to soothing your mind and alleviating tension.

Pose of the Cobra (Bhujangasana):

Yoga blocks or cubes will be utilized in this pose. It will assist you in gaining additional height. The spine, legs and buttocks, and arms and shoulders are all strengthened as a result of the powerful muscle engagement. If you are aiming for a deeper back stretch while performing the Cobra position, you must avoid putting your hands on the yoga mat and put them on blocks instead.

Pose of the Lotus (Padmasana):

The trainee must sit on the yoga mat with their legs crossed; their legs must be touching the floor in Lotus position. When you sit with your legs crossed, make sure to put stacked pillows or towels under your knees, on the ground. This will enable you to stretch your legs without feeling any muscle pain since your knees will be propped up against a soft surface.

Supported Bridge Yoga Position:

When the block is put under the sacrum, the bridge position mediates the transition. Here are a few of the alleged advantages of this position: It’s possible that stretching the front of your thighs will alter the balance of strength and flexibility in your hip muscles. Make sure your feet are aligned with the shoulders and placed in such a leveled manner over the mat that a perfect right angle is formed with your legs and knees. Using a block in this yoga posture, like in other similar Yoga postures, lowers the chances of stress and soreness in the hip, leg, and glute muscles.

Accessories and Props:

Iyengar yoga is recognized for its use of props and accessories such as yoga blocks, blankets, towels, and bands to make poses not only simpler or safer to complete, but also to guarantee that the body’s proper alignment is maintained throughout the practice.

Aside from them, the yoga practice necessitates the use of appropriate clothing and a mat. COYA is one of the best sites to get access to these accessories.

Iyengar Yoga’s Advantages:

Practicing Iyengar Yoga has a number of physical and mental advantages. This exercise can be used to:

  • Strengthen and expand your flexibility.
  • Boost your posture.
  • Relax your thoughts.
  • Reduce the severity of chronic pain.
  • Reduce your blood pressure.
  • Increase your breathing capacity.
  • Defend against sickness

Flexibility and Iyengar Yoga:

Regular Iyengar yoga practice improves our bodies’ general health and flexibility. We are more productive, reduce weight, have more energy, vigor and our metabolism is boosted. The numerous positions done in Iyengar yoga aim to stretch the muscles and make the body supple and help us develop our flexibility. This yoga type also benefits the body by relieving pain and tight muscles as well as serving as a recharge after more hard job activities. Being more flexible makes the body less vulnerable to muscle injuries and allows for a quicker recovery.

Iyengar Yoga and Muscle Tone:

Iyengar Yoga may appear to be all about stretching the body and holding extended positions, but those poses are actually quite powerful in terms of increasing strength, endurance, and muscular tone. Iyengar Yoga is a weight-bearing activity in which we rely on our bodies to form postures with accuracy. This enables us to increase muscle tone over time. Consistent exercise improves our overall health and reduces our risk of developing certain muscle diseases and injuries.

Iyengar Yoga and Body Strength:

Iyengar Yoga accomplishes more than just calorie burning and muscular toning. It’s a full-body workout that incorporates strengthening and stretching positions as well as deep breathing and meditation or relaxation. Iyengar Yoga is a discipline that emphasizes strength. It excels in making you stronger and toning your muscles by utilizing your own body weight. Unlike weight training regimes that isolate movements, Iyengar yoga is a whole-body workout.  It develops strength that you may apply in your daily tasks.


There are a lot of reasons people choose to practice Iyengar yoga, including its many physical, mental, and psychological health benefits. No matter who you are, if you’re interested in starting your yoga practice, Iyengar yoga is one of your best options. More than any other variation of yoga, Iyengar Yoga zones in on proper alignment to perform the poses or asanas in the best possible way without incurring any risks of injury. Not only will you get a good physical workout, but you’ll also learn to be more mindful and self-aware, both on and off your mat.

Author’s Bio:

Asfia is a Content Strategist at eTek Studio, a Dubai-based web design firm. She has a great grasp of her writing expertise and has been writing essays, articles, product content, and blogs for a long time. COYA is one of the projects she has been working on. She obtains her inspiration by looking at everyday objects in a new light. She continuously studies to explore technologies and trends in web design and strives to highlight wonderful secrets of creation with her good artistic style.