Revealing Your Perfect Smile and Restoring Your Oral Functions Through Dental Implants

Having a missing tooth not only affects your smile but can also compromise your mouth functions, such as the quality of your bite, ability to chew harmoniously, and self-esteem. Some with this condition begin to worry if they are socially fit enough to mingle with people who seem to be having a perfect set of teeth. You do not have to worry because there is a solution. Fortunately, your implant dentist in Orlando, FL, can assess your oral structure to determine if you are ideal for the tooth replacement procedure. Read on to discover the fantastic facts about dental implants.

Can anyone get dental implants?

Dental implants are tooth replacement solutions with the appearance and functions of natural teeth. Once a dentist fixes them, you can bite, chew, and smile like you would with your natural teeth. While anyone who has lost one or more teeth can be a candidate for implants, there are a few exceptions. Here are the main factors that determine who a candidate for implants is:

1.  General health

Your general health plays a significant role in determining if dental implants will benefit you from your gums to bone structure.  For starters, your dentist will measure your bone density to see if it is strong enough to hold the implants in place. On the other hand, your gums should also be free from any disease. Should your dentist detect any issue, they will have no choice but to address it first.

2.  Age

Kids, preteens, and teenagers face growth and development, making them less fit for implants. They might need to wait until they turn 18 to get a set of dental implants. Older adults aged 65 years and over may also fail to qualify if chronic conditions put their oral health at risk.

3.  Sufficient jawbone

The jawbone is the foundation of the dental implant. When you have tooth loss, your jawbone might be forced to perform the functions meant for your teeth. The sooner you replace it, the lower the chances of deteriorating due to losing a tooth. Your dentist may first assess if your bone density is sufficient to hold the implant in position, preventing the risk of falling off. If you do not have enough bone, your dentist may need to perform a bone graft.

4.  The resilience of the patient

If you are considering dental implants, your dentist will take you in on the process to help you understand how your life will change after the implants. All you need is to show your dentist that you are willing to do what it takes to take care of your implants.

Schedule an appointment today

Dental implants are great for anyone battling missing or badly damaged teeth. However, your dentist can only fix them after considering all these four factors. Call your trusted dentist to schedule an appointment today to find out the benefits of dental implants and if you are an ideal candidate for the procedure.