wedding rings

Why A Dinosaur Bone Wedding Ring Is the Coolest Thing You Can Buy

Dinosaurs have lost none of their charm for people fascinated with these mammoth creatures. Weighing up to 100 tons and as much as 115 feet long, these ferocious-looking animals have inspired much awe and wonder among the inquisitive. It extinct for 66 million years, according to National Geographic, but since films and books renewed interest in dinosaurs; it can be very appealing to get the chance of owning and wearing a part of history that has hitherto only been seen in museums and books. In a world where everyone is trying to be different, a dinosaur wedding ring gives you special status. Some good reasons to own a dinosaur wedding ring:

Completely Authentic

When you buy a dinosaur bone ring from a reputed jeweler, you can be sure that the ring contains genuine bones of dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago. It may not be possible to know whether the bone originated from a T-rex or some other species but you can be sure it is one hundred percent authentic. What’s more, you can relax without having to worry that you have been the reason behind ruining a precious natural relic. All Epic Dinosaur Bone Rings contain pieces of dinosaur bone that were already broken or not considered important enough to be included in the collection of any natural history museum.

Represents Millions of Years of History

The dinosaur ring you have bought may contain remnants of bone that could very well be over 200 million years old. It can be an awesome feeling to wear something on your finger that represents such ancient history. These rings are crafted out of something that is known in the jewelry industry as gembone. As the name suggests, gembone are fossilized dino bones that have been transformed into beautiful rocks containing minerals like quarts, agate, jasper, iron, etc. Since the process of fossilization is natural and takes place under varying conditions, every gembone is unique with its distinctive patterns. You can be sure that the ring you have bought does not have an identical twin anywhere in the world.

Exquisitely Beautiful

Gembone is one of the most exquisitely beautiful things you will ever have the opportunity of seeing. Typically, you will see a striking array of colors and naturally-created patterns that have no equal in this world. Common colors include red, black, and brown that create an awesome effect when used as an inlay in a ring made from handsome materials like Damascus steel, cobalt chrome, black zirconium, or even yellow gold. When you throw in some customization in terms of finishes, textures, engraving, etc., you are sure to have a winner on your hands that everyone else will envy.


Owning a dinosaur bone ring is an experience of a lifetime. It can be overwhelming to wear something that is not only millions of years old but is also truly unique in terms of color, texture, shape, and finishes. Adding to the uniqueness of a natural aging process of over millions of years is the fact that these rings are hand-crafted for a discerning audience, not mass manufactured.