What Is CBD, and Why Should You Be Using It?

get CBD without THC

CBD has become one of the most talked-about supplements over the last few years. An increasing number of people have become interested in the health benefits of taking even a small amount of CBD each day.

Part of the reason for the seemingly sudden interest in CBD is due to a few high-profile legal cases that highlight how CBD can be used for medical purposes. This has undoubtedly helped the stigma surrounding hemp and CBD to slowly disappear.

Additionally, CBD is no longer associated with THC, a compound found in cannabis and causes psychoactive effects.

In comparison, CBD causes no psychoactive or intoxicating effects. Instead, it offers many medical and health benefits that many consider useful to everyday life. CBD is an incredibly accessible natural supplement as it can be found in a range of different products, including CBD bath bombs, oils, edibles, and topicals.

So, what is CBD, and why has it become so popular?

Where Does CBD Come From?

CBD is just one of the many varying cannabinoids found within cannabis and hemp. Both plants contain hundreds of different cannabinoids, including the two most commonly known, CBD and THC, and many others such as CBN, CBC, and CBDA.

These cannabinoids offer various health benefits, but CBD has shown the most promise, which is why it’s often isolated. It has the added benefit of not causing the intoxicating effects as THC does.

Both hemp and cannabis plants can be used to manufacture CBD products. Most top-rated CBD oils are made using CBD that has been derived from industrial hemp plants as they provide a higher ratio of CBD to THC.

Different Types of CBD

When purchasing CBD products, you might have noticed a few different terms being used to describe the type of CBD within the product. The two most commonly used terms are CBD isolate and full-spectrum.

CBD isolate is the term used to describe products that contain pure CBD, meaning that all of the other compounds found within the plant have been removed. Intensive filtration methods are used to remove all cannabinoids, terpenes, and other nutrients, leaving behind a pure CBD isolate powder. The CBD isolate can then be used to make products such as oils, topicals, and vape liquids.

Full-spectrum CBD is very different from CBD isolate and undergoes a much less invasive filtration process. All of the naturally occurring compounds found within the plant are kept, resulting in a product that contains a wide range of cannabinoids.

However, THC content is limited. Most countries have set a legal limit on how much THC products can contain. The THC limit for CBD products tends to be around 0.2% – 0.3%; this amount is thought to be safe and not cause any noticeable effects.

There is an argument that full-spectrum CBD products can offer more noticeable health benefits than isolates. Some research hypothesizes that consuming a blend of cannabinoids results in the entourage effect. This effect may cause synergy within the body, helping it maintain balance. CBD flower is another type of popular item. CBD flowers are edible and can be taken in foods such as biscuits or in capsules. – Tea: Some people make CBD flower tea.

Broad-spectrum CBD products are an alternative option. They offer a middle ground between isolate and full-spectrum, as they contain the full blend of hemp’s cannabinoids without any THC. Therefore, when speaking of broad-spectrum vs. full-spectrum CBD, make sure to understand their crucial differences before making a purchase. Also, don’t forget to consider location, as, in some states, cannabis is not illegal.

The Health Benefits Associated with CBD

CBD is thought to have many different health benefits, both mental and physical. One of the most common reasons that people choose to use CBD is to manage chronic pain. CBD is known to have all sorts of anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate pain within muscles and joints caused by inflammation.

Research suggests that CBD is beneficial because of how it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. This is a biological pathway that can impact pain, mood, appetite, and more. Within this system exist receptors, some of which CBD influences; the most prominent ones are CB1 and CB2 receptors. Although we still don’t understand this function entirely, evidence suggests that CBD can be a useful tool for pain relief, amongst other things.

The health benefits of CBD are not solely physical; CBD is increasingly being used to treat mental health conditions such as anxiety, stress, and insomnia.

It is believed that taking even a small amount of CBD each day may help the brain to cope with anxiety-inducing situations, helping to prevent the more extreme symptoms of anxiety. CBD also has natural calming effects, which are beneficial for improving sleep.

Final Thoughts on CBD and Its Usefulness 

CBD is becoming a common health supplement. But it’s not just a worldwide trend; it’s a compound growing strong roots within the health community. Promising research into how it interacts with our body’s endocannabinoid system could cement its place on our bathroom shelves. 

Many people today are using CBD products to boost their immune system and overall health, as well as for a particular condition. Adding a small amount of CBD to your breakfast routine could be a simple yet effective way to experience its many benefits.