Fertility Procedures to Increase Your Chances of Parenthood

Infertility issues can cause a massive dent in your relationship. The issue can also take a toll on you if you really wanted a baby. Infertility refers to the inability to conceive, especially if you have tried for more than a year without success. For women above 35, trying for more than 6 months without success means you need help. Michael Cho M.D. can help you get the results you desire, as he offers the most modern fertility services that can increase your chances.

What makes one unable to conceive?

Problems with ovulation are the leading reason why you might have infertility issues. Ovulation refers to the ability of your body to release an egg every single month. However, when an issue affects this activity, it means you have little or no chance of getting pregnant. Ovulation combines the help of various organs to make the egg reach the desired point for fertilization. A limitation also in the other organs that enable ovulation can render you infertile. For instance, when your fallopian tubes do not work properly, it means you might need the help of University Reproductive Associates to achieve your goal of having a child.

A point to ponder also with your partner is their fertility. Men, too, can lack the power to make a woman pregnant, making you feel guilty all the time. That is why in any fertility session, you must tag your partner along. Other issues responsible for infertility in women include:

  • Uterine septum
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Endometrial polyps
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Diabetes is also up there when it comes to infertility in women, with thyroid issues also a cause for concern. You need to always have your underlying medical problems in check to increase your chances of fertility.

What to expect during a fertility examination

Fertility procedures often include thorough examinations, which require the help of University Reproductive Associates. Such examination involves numerous questions touching on your medical history, family history, and gynecological procedures you might have had in the past. Your partner also can benefit from University Reproductive Associates, as they also get similar examinations and some unique ones geared for their specific gender. You might have ultrasounds or even MRIs to identify some of the most critical details about your reproduction system.

What techniques can help deal with your infertility?

University Reproductive Associates offers customized treatments to help deal with any infertility issues. Solutions you can expect to deal with your situations include:

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Prescriptions
  • Surgeries
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Your doctor can make a combination of one or more procedures to increase your chances. You can also benefit from one procedure geared uniquely to your situation. For example, you may opt for a home insemination procedure if you think that’s the best choice for you. The treatments offered by University Reproductive Associates follow the safety standards set and have the FDA’s full authorization.

Increase your chances of a happy life with a fertility procedure from University Reproductive Associates. Find out why you are not getting any positive results in your motherhood journey by making a call or booking your place online.