5 Healthy Signs That Your Folliculitis Shampoo Works

Shampoos You Didn’t Realize You Needed

Our hair is an integral part of the persona of us we present to the world. Whether you like a neat and sleek cut or long luscious locks, your hair speaks on your behalf!

However, many people end up suffering from conditions that affect their scalp and hair. Not only can these be painful but also be detrimental to a person’s self-image. It’s truly a bummer! 

Folliculitis is one such condition that may make a person carry shame, but do not worry! Thanks to advancements in modern medicine, folliculitis can be treated in many ways. One of them is to use a folliculitis shampoo. How convenient! 

To summarize it for you, folliculitis is an inflammation at the root of the hair that may show up in acne’s shape.

It can occur in any area with terminal hair. Its likelihood of happening may increase depending on a pre-existing condition, certain medications, the coarseness of hair, presence of bacteria in warm bathing water, etc. It is treated using ointments in cream, lotion, oil, or shampoo form. 

Preventing Folliculitis

Never let anyone make you believe you’re superficial to be caring about your hair. Hair adds to your style, and being concerned over its health is simply self-care! 

We’re all well aware that prevention is better than cure, so here are a few tips for you to retain a healthy scalp:

  • Regularly wash your hair accessories – be it workout clothes, hats, bandana, etc.
  • Avoid bathing in hot water tubs or swimming pools. And if you choose to do so, make sure they are properly cleaned. 
  • Be extra careful when shaving: shave only in the direction of hair growth, always use new blades and moisturize well before and after the shave.
  • Avoid sharing personal hygiene items like comb, razors, and towels
  • Wear breathable clothing items that do not stick to the scalp/skin.

Treatments for Folliculitis

Folliculitis may be caused by bacteria, fungus, or even a virus. The treatment, hence, may differ a lot since the cause is different! If it is a bacterial infection you got from a hot water bath, perhaps, you’d want to lather some antibiotic cream onto it. 

If the causative agent is a fungus, you should be on the outlook for anti-fungal creams and shampoos.

 Active ingredients such as zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, salicylic acid, etc., are found to be effective in folliculitis treatment.  For itchiness and inflammation, you may be recommended a steroid cream such as hydrocortisone by a dermatologist. 

Life tip:  Remember to always get a professional’s advice before using any sort of medication!

Why buy folliculitis shampoo? 

Sure, there are different ways of administering medicine. Shampoos are effective, especially for scalp folliculitis, because they form a lather. 

Not only does this mean that the scalp gets adequately covered with the needed medicine, but it also means you get a massage! 

Moreover, the lather means that the product gets truly worked into the skin layer and better absorbed. Shampoo seems like the way to go!

How to buy a suitable folliculitis shampoo?

Firstly, you need to be aware of your hair type. There is no magical one size fits all product that works on every hair type. The texture and coarseness of hair are noted, and whether the scalp is dry or oily. 

Then, you need to make sure the shampoo you are buying has a gentle formula. Try to avoid strong chemical ingredients, which are considered a hit-or-miss, as they might aggravate your scalp even more. For example, try to avoid sulfates in your hair products. 

In the matters of hair, why take any risk at all? You should also avoid fragranced products on the skin as they can be quite adverse. 

If you are not careful, you might end up with more hair problems instead of solving the one on hand. So, always read reviews given to products by people of similar hair types! 

Signs your Folliculitis Shampoo is working

In an instant gratification world, many feel impatient when we don’t get to see the complete results right away. We have all felt this way, so no shame in admitting it!

This leads to apprehensions about the product and causes anxiety in the person using it. You may end up wondering whether you’ll ever be able to break free from this ailment or not. 

Hair care experts at Male Sense Pro, understand that this is simply part of the human experience, so worry not! We have got your back! Read ahead to know about the signs that the product you are using is working:

1.    Decrease in itchiness

One of the earliest signs of a product that works out well for you is a noticeable decrease in how irritated the scalp feels. This one might show up right after the first usage of the product. No more impulse to drive your nails into the scalp because you no longer have a burning inflammatory sensation in your scalp!

2.    Healing of scabs 

Scab is the hard skin crust that covers a blister. Despite it being an important part of the healing process, it cannot be very pleasant especially, if it is located in your scalp.

Not only can you not comb or brush your hair without feeling pain, but also scabs cause even more discomfort to the scalp. If your folliculitis shampoo is doing its steady magic, then the scabs should start to diminish after a couple of uses. 

3.    Retreatment of bumps

Also known as ‘scalp acne,’ folliculitis feels like there are pimples on your head. After a few washes using the shampoo, the large pimples should be dying down and start becoming flat as they no longer stay inflamed. 

As inflammation decreases, the flare-up of these bumps should also be retreating. 

4.    No more hair loss

Although folliculitis doesn’t always entail hair loss, it can certainly cause it in some circumstances. As the follicle head stays inflamed, the hair follicle might break off at some point. As if the itching, scabbing, pain, and discomfort weren’t enough! 

If your medicated shampoo is working fine, any hair loss experienced by you should be on its way to reversal. No more hair loss!

5.    Healthier and cleaner scalp

Your end goal is to achieve a healthy feeling scalp, no more flakes or pimples, or scars. When you reach this stage, you might just be finding your fingers make their way to your scalp again, not to itch or pick at wounds this time, but to experience how clean and healthy it is! 

This would be the epitome of your folliculitis shampoo endeavor. 

It is to be noted, however, that all these treatments may not give a permanent fix. This is why it is so important to practice all the preventative measures listed at the start. After all, prevention is better than cure!

The Bottom line

Human suffering, big or small, can feel like the end of the world to the person experiencing it. Folliculitis may be a huge source of discomfort for people and severely decrease their quality of life, especially if they value physical appearances. 

Hence we have provided you with a guide on treating your scalp and how to know if the treatment is running its course smoothly for you –that means a lot. 

We hope that it has been a high-yield read for you. We wish you and your scalp true comfort!