Getting Fit in Style: How to Pick the Right Workout Clothes

An essential piece of workout wear is leggings, having more than one pair is a must, you want leggings that are made of breath well-designed fabric, this selection of workout leggings offers you stylish and powerful leggings that will brighten up even the most boring of workout outfits Affordable, fabulous and well-designed leggings will make you feel good. 

Good clothing when exercising can make you feel powerful enough to smash any record you set yourself, or that maybe others set for you!. You don’t have to compromise, there is no reason why you can’t look and feel good even when sweating it out wherever you are, be that in the gym – or your own home.

When it comes to picking workout clothes it is important to remember that cheap is not always cheerful, and you do get what you pay for. Cheap workout clothes will not last you, they will wear out quickly and will not wash well. Poor workout gear will lose its shape and durability, and considering how many times you will be washing your workout clothes then you will surely want pieces of clothing that stand the test of time. Investing in good quality workwear that you will be able to use daily in and day out is a must.

Picking the Right Clothes

When it comes to looking for workout clothing there are things you need to consider like:

  • What forms of exercise will you be doing? Are you going running, doing yoga, or maybe even hiking? Knowing the intensity of your workouts and exercising routines will allow you to shop accordingly. Buy clothing and accessories that fit the activity you want to do.
  • What clothing do you need to buy? For yoga, you will need different clothes than you would for say a high-intensity gym-based workout. Compiling a shopping list of what clothing you need will allow you to focus on buying specific pieces of clothing that allow you to work out in comfort. Additionally, you can also consider buying oversized gym tees online for your comfortable workout session.
  • What material are the clothes made from, Are they mesh? Are they breathable? Are they eco-friendly – organic? Are they made with Supplex? Supplex is a material that is perfect for workout wear as it doesn’t fade after washing and can be ideal for those sweaty workouts as the material is quick drying. 
  • Know your body shape and own it. Knowing what will fit you and suit you from the outset will save you both time and money. For example, leggings work wonders on all legs, but capris might look better and fit better on you if you have longer legs.
  • Get the right colors – Don’t be afraid of color, there is nothing wrong with bright colors that make you stand out. Working out is about feeling good too, so picking clothes in colors, and prints that suit and flatter you will help you own your next workout. Consider getting a color consultation, to ensure you get clothes in colors that compliment your skin tone and complexion.
  • Shorts, leggings, or both? Depending on what workout you are going to do shorts may be your preference, especially if you are doing a spinning class. Leggings offer versatility in that they can be used for pretty much any workout. Capri pants are ideal for workouts such as yoga or pilates.
Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash
  • Tops – what style are you going for, do you need more support for your chest or back? Are you after a tank top that holds everything in place, or are you looking for something more like a sweatshirt that gives you some comfort and coverage? What fabric or material are you looking for. Do any materials make you feel itchy, or irritate your skin. Are you looking for something fleecy that gives you comfort, or are you looking for a top that has modal and cotton in it, allowing you the freedom to move?
  • Sports bras – Holding everything in place is essential, no matter what your size. A well-fitted sports bra will leave you feeling like you can tackle even the most extreme exercise routines. Invest in a sports bra that offers you good support. It is important to remember that strength and support go hand in hand when it comes to choosing a sports bra.
Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash
  • Footwear- Do you need sneakers, trainers, or plimsolls. Knowing what workouts and exercise classes you will be doing is essential for getting the right footwear. The more intense the workout then the more support you are going to need from your footwear. Footwear also needs to be comfortable, and breathable. It is worth remembering that our feet also sweat when we work out so look at going up ½ size – 1 full size so your footwear is not uncomfortable to wear.

Researching what type of workout wear will benefit you the most in terms of fit and comfort is something you should do sooner rather than later. Ill-fitting uncomfortable workout clothes will leave you feeling frumpy and uninspired, and then sure as anything you will not feel like working out if you are in clothes that drag you down.

Remember that any workout wears you wear is an extension of your personality, and it is an extension of your day-to-day wardrobe so why should it be any less stylish. Don’t settle for poor quality workout wear, it will leave you feeling unimpressed and you deserve better. Always put effort into picking clothes that are a representation of you and your style and you will be able to rock any workout you wish to undertake.