Tips for Choosing the Right Type of Dental Floss

Your dentist emphasizes the need to floss your teeth for enhanced oral hygiene. Did you know that various types of dental floss can be used in your daily dental care routine? To help meet individual tastes and standards by dentists, manufacturers have designed dental floss in various colors, textures, flavors, and materials. If you’re interested in improving your oral health, visit this dentist Near me fort lauderdale. Your leading periodontist in The Woodlands recommends seeking professional advice to help you settle on a type that delivers the best smile results.

The alignment of your teeth significantly influences your choice of dental floss. Using the right dental floss plays a vital role in your overall oral health. Today, most dental flosses are made from nylon since it is durable. This involves twisting thin strands of the material together to form a stronger strand that can be used to remove plaque between the teeth. Here are the various types of dental floss.

Unwaxed dental floss

This type of dental floss is best for daily use among most people. Unwaxed dental floss has a high absorbency rate, which helps get rid of hard-to-reach food particles between the teeth. If you are concerned about removing the most plaque between teeth, unwaxed dental floss will help address those concerns.

Dental tape

There are some dental floss types that do not carry the name floss. Dental tape is a wide and flat type of floss. If your teeth have large spaces between them or you have been fitted with bridges, this is your go-to type of floss. Dental tape effectively cleans between the teeth and has minimal chances of cutting into delicate gums or being entrapped on your bridgework. They are easy to guide between your teeth and are less susceptible to fraying.

Waxed dental floss

Waxed dental floss is one of the most popular flosses. They feature a slippery coating to help quickly get between your teeth, especially if you have tight spaces or your teeth are crowded. They are mostly lightly flavored with cinnamon or mint. Your doctor reminds you to ensure you have enough stock since this dental floss frays quickly.

Teflon dental floss

Teflon dental floss is the latest in the market and is designed for people who require to be motivated to floss. The floss strand is coated with a thin non-stick Teflon coating, similar to what is used on pans and cooking pots. This makes the floss glide easily between your teeth without the risk of getting trapped on sharp edges.

You can purchase your choice of dental floss in small dispensers that feed your desired length from a bobbin. Your dentist recommends looking for dental picks or dental floss holders that have a secure hold along the whole length of floss for easy flossing, avoiding the need of winding the floss around your fingers. Brushing alone cannot guarantee a healthy smile. The enemy lies between your teeth, and the only way to get rid of plaque problems is by flossing. Schedule a consultation with your experienced dentist to learn how to floss properly and the available dental floss options to help maintain your smile.