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More About Different In-Office Treatments For Acne Scarring

Experiencing active acne breakouts is challenging enough but being left with acne scars can be damaging to one’s self-esteem and lead to feelings of depression. Thankfully, acne scars are treatable. But, before you can begin any acne treatment, you must first do away with any signs of acne once and for all because fresh breakouts can lead to further acne scarring. If you have tried in-home treatments without any success, a skincare professional or healthcare clinic can assist with treatments.

In this article, we will be telling you more about the different in-office procedures for acne scarring.

1. Dermabrasion

One of the most common and effective treatment for facial acne scars is dermabrasion. While it utilizes the same standard principle as microdermabrasion kits used at home, doctors use a wheel or wire brush to exfoliate the top layer of skin more deeply. This treatment is most effective for rolling or shallow boxcar scars, but it could make deep scars less obvious.

2. Micro-needling

This innovative treatment uses a handheld pen or small handheld roller with needle studs on the surface of acne scars. The needles puncture your numbed skin, but do not penetrate it. When the skin heals, it produces collagen. Evidence proposes that micro needling assists with reducing the depth of acne scarring. Keep in mind, that one can only begin noticing changes after about nine months. This treatment is considered a safe treatment for all skin types and best suited for depressed acne scars.

3. Chemical peels

A chemical peel is a potent acid that his used for removing the top layer of your skin to decrease deeper scarring. Certain chemical peels are mild and can be utilized at home, however, a healthcare provider can give you a stronger solution for more intense results. It is best to consult with a Melbourne based healthcare provider prior to getting one since there are various different types of chemical peels available. Chemical peels are most suitable for acne scars, particularly, deeper scars.

4. Laser resurfacing

Similar to dermabrasion or a chemical peel, laser resurfacing eradicates the top layer of your skin. This therapy usually has a quicker healing period as opposed to other resurfacing procedures. The treated area can be kept covered with a bandage until entirely healed. This treatment is not suitable for those still having breakouts or people with darker complexions. It is best for acne scarring on lighter skin tones.

5. Injections

Several different drugs can be injected into elevated scars to assist with flattening and softening them. Examples of medications include chemotherapy drugs fluorouracil, corticosteroids, and interferons. These injections are typically performed as a sequence with one injection every few weeks.

6. Fillers

Fillers are used by healthcare professionals to fill in the acne scars and assist with evening out the skin. Fillers are made of collagen, commercial filler, or your own fat and get injected under the skin surface to smoothen out and plumping out depressed scars. Fillers typically last between six and eighteen months before you must have them redone, however, some are permanent. Fillers are best for those with a small number of rolling or boxcar scars.

7. Light Therapy

It’s the rising tech in the world of cosmetics, fitness, and beauty. Red light therapy products in particular are more focused on their many many health benefits. Starting from healing, to faster recovery, improving skin, increasing metabolism, and countless other benefits, the light tech has won the hearts of many, especially athletes. NASA first noticed how the red wavelength had cell-boosting capabilities. Celebrities use it, athletes use it, people in recovery use it.