Here’s How Reflexology Can Give You Beautiful Skin

reflexology massage wellness spa

The search for the holy grail of beauty products continues. According to Euromonitor’s research, 27.5 percent of trending content on Philippine social media accounts revolves around beauty, as individuals look for quality recommendations to enhance their appearances. But while the hottest serums and creams may improve your skin, there are other, more natural ways to have a smooth and glowing complexion, such as following a good diet, drinking plenty of water, and undergoing the occasional holistic healing remedy such as reflexology. This form of therapy is commonly used to improve internal organ health and promote overall wellness. If you’re looking to get soft and smooth skin the natural way, here’s how reflexology can also give you beautiful skin. 

It can prevent acne

Acne is usually caused by hormonal changes, though it’s also a result of having a diet that is high in carbohydrates and refined sugars. Regularly eating foods that are loaded with starch and sugars can result in constipation, and if the body doesn’t properly eliminate wastes, then the toxins are released through the skin in the form pimples, blackheads, and acne. Expert aestheticians at Athens Foot Palace say that gently pressing on the reflex points of the feet that correspond to the large and small intestines can improve digestion and prevent acne flare-ups. Try having reflexology at least once a month to see a noticeable change in your skin condition. 

It can ease eczema

Eczema flare-ups are caused by stress and poor activity in the internal organs. Regular visits to the dermatologist, as well as using topical treatments can help you manage the condition, however, reflexology can also help to address the problem from within. While a licensed reflexologist can help to restore your internal organs’ optimum function, you can do simple stress relieving foot massage to prevent eczema flare-ups. Try massaging your big toe pad in an up and down motion, and as you do this, move across the toe pad so you’re massaging from left to right and back again. Massage each of your big toes for at least 45 seconds, and you’ll begin to feel a difference as you’ll feel calmer and less irritable after doing this simple technique. 

It can reduce lines and wrinkles

Lately, face massage tools such as jade rollers and sculpting rollers have become popular as they’re said to be effective for reducing puffiness and promoting a more contoured look. However, face massage or facial reflexology can also help to reduce lines and wrinkles, making it a safer alternative to Botox. Applying gentle pressure on various reflex points on your face can increase collagen production, which can give you a younger look. Moreover, it can improve overall skin tone as it reduces the risk of sagging, which often takes place under the eyes, cheeks, and chin. 

Give your skin a beauty boost by including reflexology in your overall wellness routine. It’s a holistic way to give you that smooth, healthy, and younger-looking skin that you’ve always dreamed of having.