What Type Of Lotion Should You Put On A Tattoo

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There really is nothing in this world like getting a tattoo. This is a badge of honor that you can wear with pride. Not only can you wear it proudly, but you can use it to show off your best traits. Whether it is a name, a logo, or something that is important to you, there is no better way to signify that importance than by posting it on your body. That being said, a tattoo does not come without a lot of work. Not only will you need to maintain and care for that tattoo, but you will need to ensure that it is looking its best at all times. There are several different ways that you can go about doing this, and the best is by applying the right lotion.

Save The Plastic Protector

When you get your new tattoo it will come along with an antibacterial gel and plastic bandage. This is something that the artist will apply if you go professional. If you do not go professional then this is something that you will want to consider making on your own. In fact, if the artist doesn’t suggest it then you might want to start seeking outside council. That being said, you don’t want to immediately remove this cover and start playing around with the tattoo. Leave it intact for at least 4 hours so that everything can soak in and acclimate.

Cleaning The Tattoo

Once those four hours are up the real work will begin. This will be the first time that you clean the tattoo. Just remember if there is a little bit of blood this is completely normal. The best way to clean the tattoo is by applying antibacterial soap with cold or tepid water. Do not, however, place the tattoo directly under running water, as the pressure will probably be too strong. Also try to avoid scrubbing and rubbing, as it might cause the tattoo to fade.

Drying And Applying Lotion

Congrats, the tattoo is now clean, but this is just half the battle. The next is going to be drying and moisturizing the tat. This is much more difficult than it sounds, as you do not want to be too rough. Avoid any type of material that leaves fluff. Heck, avoid any material that could potentially leave behind traces. Just simply pat the tattoo dry and from there apply a tattoo aftercare lotion. There are tons of suitable aftercare lotions available on the market, which makes choosing the right one all that more difficult. Read this professionals review and guide about aftercare products to find out which might work best for your specific situation.

Avoid Vaselines And Oils When you are searching for aftercare products, you are no doubt going to see a lot of products that contain oils and Vaselines. Heck, there are a lot of pros that will probably even recommend these products, but it is best to avoid them. They will not help preserve the integrity of your tattoo like you think.