tattoo removal process

No Pain No Gain: A Guide to Your First Tattoo

A name, bird, movie, heartbeat, flowers, Chinese symbol, butterfly, dragon, stars, skull, and even tribal design, a tattoo is not just another imprint on your body. It’s an art. Nearly 5 in 1 American has a symbol. There are hundreds of harry potter, star wars and Yankees tattoo in the world.

But the reason why people get a tattoo has remained a secret. You might have been obsessed with a show, movie, or character or it might have sentimental value — not just another random courage show to put on. Tattoo holds a different meaning to different people.

Whether you consider it to be a piece of art or hold substantial meaning, tattoo in today’s world has become very common. If you are enthusiastic about getting a tattoo, you need to get your homework done. Not every glitter is gold. And imprinting your emblem on your body part is not easy as it seems to be.

Getting Your First Tattoo

The first step is always the hardest. Picking out the design is easy, but getting your mind ready is the trick. You want to be 100% sure about getting a tattoo because it might take weeks for the design to heal and show its exact color. And if you have watched how I meet your mother or the hangover part 2, you know your way out. And that is also not easy.

Choosing design and placement is an essential task. You need to be sure about the size of the tattoo and its investment. Just think it this way a teacher will probably don’t want to have a skull tattoo in an open part. So you need to be sure of it.

Personal connection is a must. You can’t just have a tattoo because you feel like it. If you aren’t sure about it, talk to your closet friend and family or even your tattoo artist.  Choose your design carefully.  A small detailed design might look good at first, but as your skin age, your tattoo will fade and can have a drastic change in comparing it with a more prominent symbol.

Your skin color matters, tattoo placement matter. No matter what color you choose, it will fade away, even black. You need to be sure how it is going to look in the next few years.

And remember the most important part: It will HURT. Multiple needles puncturing your skin at the same time, for quite some time, this is the least you need to expect. So, if you are someone low on enduring pain level, think twice about the placement of the tattoo. Your finger, kneecap, lower ribs, and upper chest has a weak layer of skin with a direct route to the bloodstream. You need to be careful of that.

Choosing the Right Artist

The central part of getting a tattoo is printing the symbol. One slight mistake can shatter everything. You need to know your artist, his work, and the shop. A big shout out to the internet for making thing easy. Mystic Owl Tattoo is one of their kinds. Their commitment to quality and comfort is unparallel.

You can check out their artist’s work. Often time we can check out the price, artist, shop but aren’t familiar with the kind of work done by the artist in the past. Whether they can perform art, you have been looking for.

Mystic Owl tattoo shop has listed their artist’s work, showcasing their fantastic art. Another reason to consider is their microblading technique. If you are someone who feels that your hair hasn’t grown at the right place (and I ‘m only talking about eyebrow here) can have a pain free bushy eyebrow real quick.

Pre – Tattoo

As much as post-care is necessary, getting your body and mind ready also holds an equal position.

  • Don’t get a sunburn. Not even think about it. Your skin is already damaged as it is, having a tattoo above is more like digging your own grave. That is why many people consider getting a tattoo during winter and fall. Fewer sunrays, more the chances of tattoo not fading before time.
  • Don’t drink before the session. Alcohol can thin your blood, which can lead to heavy bleeding during the session.
  • Have a good night sleep and don’t take meds before, especially aspirin and ibuprofen. Both of them comes with the property of thinning your blood, and now you know the consequences.

You don’t have to go into the medical terms, but during your tattoo session, your artist is injecting ink into your skin or the inner layer of the skin. If you want a permanent tattoo, this is a must. From 5 to 30,000 times, the needles puncture your skin. The conclusion is – you will feel the pain, try to hold it. Get into a comfortable position, as it will take time, depending on the design.

Post – Tattoo

  • Wash your hand before touching your tattoo.
  • The Use antibacterial soap and cream recommended by your artist.
  • The healing process can take anywhere between 2 to 6 week. Your tattoo will itch while healing. It is advisable to resist the itch.
  • Refrain from water and sunlight for prolonged periods, as it can fade your tattoo and damage its appearance.

If the swelling doesn’t heal in the next few days or the part of the tattoo is warm and tender with a burning sensation. You need to see your doctor ASAP.

In the end

Tattoos have been a part of our society since centuries. From being an identity to one’s social status to self-identification, this form of art has seen various phases. It is one of the oldest ways of techniques that have been with us and will continue to be.  Evolution of this art has led us to be more experimenting. You can now choose anything and everything. Just remember to choose wisely. You don’t want to have your next appointment scheduled at for laser removal. Do you?