Why You Should Consider Cold Weather Training

Most people only hear about warm weather training. However, there is also cool weather training. Cool weather training camps have the same numerous health benefits as warm weather routines, simply under lower temperatures.

If you’re having a difficult time working out during cold weather, training supplements can help you boost your performance. Simply visit 120kgs.com and go through their catalog of high-quality workout samples. It is important to note that these supplements should be used to complement your routine and healthy diet, not to replace them.

Here are some top reasons why you should consider working out in colder weather.

You Will Be Fit When Spring Comes By   

If you quit your training routine during the winter, you’ll probably have a hard time getting back into it when spring approaches. The reason why is because you’ll probably have lost some muscle mass and any cardio gains that you’ve accumulated during your extended winter break.

To avoid this, keep working out even if you need to tweak your routine to indoor workouts alone. This will ensure you’re fit and ready for outdoor workouts when spring comes around.

It is Great for Your Immune System

As they say, working out is the best type of medicine. Research from reputable health organizations has shown that exercising regularly helps fight bacteria and other harmful organisms within your system. This will help you ward off any chances of a flu attack.

You Can Train More

If you go for morning runs during the winter, you’ll probably have noticed that you can cover longer distances before tiring out. Research shows that cooler weather prevents your body from heating up too much during your workout routine. This helps avoid fatigue, leading to better and improved performance.

It Will Help You Fight Depression

Some people fall into SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), a type of stress related to changes in climate or seasons. Working out triggers the release of happy hormones within your body.

If you’re a victim of this, working out can help you stay stress free during colder seasons.

Burn Extra Calories

Cooler temperatures boost your metabolism and delay fatigue, giving you a chance to work out even harder. More extended workout sessions mean you’ll burn more calories during cold weather training than you would in warm weather.

An Opportunity to Stay Hydrated

In warm weather, you tend to sweat more, meaning you need to stay hydrated. However, in cold weather, you may find it challenging to consume your daily water intake since you’re not sweating a lot.

Exercising during cold weather triggers sweating, meaning you’ll have to drink your daily water ration to keep up with the pace.

A Better Opportunity for Speed Training

Cool weather gives you a better chance to do speed training; research has shown. However, this is only possible in temperatures between 40-77 ºF. Temperatures below 40ºF aren’t good for speed training as it causes your blood vessels to narrow which forces your heart to overwork.