The skin is the largest organ of the human body and we all want to have a clear and healthy complexion; however, our skin is exposed to many toxins and pollutants, especially if you happen to live in a city. Of course, there are many skincare products to protect and nourish the skin, yet natural elements can keep your skin in tip-top condition, which we highlight in this short article.
- Use alcohol-free skincare products – If you approach an Irish skincare specialist such as Amara Clinic, they will confirm that alcohol-based products dry out the skin and this can lead to complications. Alcohol evaporates very quickly, however, it does damage the skin, so you should avoid using any skincare products that are alcohol-based, especially skin cleansers.
- Be careful with cleansing wipes – Most cleansing wipes are designed to remove make-up and contain chemicals that preserve the wipes and these elements can damage and dry out your skin.
- Moisturiser made with natural ingredients – Avoid moisturisers that contain harmful chemicals; there are green moisturisers that are made with plants and other natural elements. Indeed, many fruits and vegetables are good for the skin and when ordering skincare products, you should always read the ingredient list.
- Use coconut oil – Massage coconut oil into your skin regularly; this deep oil softens the skin and promotes the growth of new skin cells. This is an amazing natural derivative that is beneficial in many ways; swilling a little coconut oil around the mouth promotes healthy teeth and gums.
- Wash with mild soap – This applies to the face and neck; avoid using complex beauty products that promise the earth, as they can cause excessive oil and that can lead to acne and skin blemishes. Never rub your skin dry, rather use a soft towel and dab your face gently. New skin cells can be seriously damaged by vigorously rubbing wet skin to dry it.
The Internet is full of free resources, so you can educate yourself regarding skincare and make sure that you only use skincare products with natural ingredients. Avoid excessive sunlight; use a high-factor sunscreen when on the beach and always wear polarised sunglasses to protect the eyes.