What Are the Most Common Rhinoplasty Questions?

Rhinoplasty is an increasingly popular procedure that can help you create the nose of your dreams. It can address issues such as an unattractive bump on the bridge of the nose, crooked nostrils or breathing difficulties.

To achieve optimal results with your rhinoplasty Sudbury, іt іs crucial that you communicate openly and realistically with your surgeon іn order tо set appropriate expectations and reduce the risk оf complications.

1. What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty surgery aims to alter the size, shape and proportions of your nose in order to correct birth defects or injuries or treat breathing conditions such as deviated septum. It may be used as part of cosmetic or reconstructive procedures or used for improving breathing issues like deviated septum.

Your surgeon will ask about your medical history and goals for the procedure, making sure he or she can create the optimal results for you. Being completely honest will allow him or her to provide optimal solutions.

2. Can I Change My Nose Shape?

Every person has an ideal image in mind of what their ideal nose shape should be, while an experienced plastic surgeon may suggest changes that complement your facial features but depend on your specific anatomy to produce optimal results.

Skilled facial plastic surgeons can make adjustments to your nose that can enhance its balance and symmetry with the rest of your facial features. Arrange a consultation session today to explore all your options for nose surgery.

3. Can I Change My Nose Size?

There are various techniques available for altering the size of your nose. When consulting with your surgeon about changing its size, be honest about your expectations and what may or may not be possible.

Your surgeon should provide patient testimonials with before and after pictures as this will give you a realistic idea of what your results may look like.

4. Can I Change My Nose Color?

Rhinoplasty is a popular cosmetic procedure to alter the look of the nose. However, it’s important to keep in mind that even after extensive work is performed on it may not deliver exactly what you desire.

An experienced facial plastic surgeon can best assess if rhinoplasty is right for you, so contact us now and arrange your consultation!

5. Can I Change My Nose Shape with Botox?

Many people dream of having a more proportionate nose. A board-certified facial plastic surgeon can help you realize this dream through either surgical or nonsurgical means.

Gently blowing your nose after rhinoplasty may help to decrease swelling. However, forceful blowing could open any sutured wounds and delay healing time. Therefore it is important to communicate with your physician to make sure you’re happy with the outcome of your procedure.

6. Can I Change My Nose Shape with Fillers?

Based on your desired result and unique anatomy, nonsurgical options like fillers may help reshape your nose. A facial plastic surgeon experienced in nasal anatomy would be best placed to use these noninvasive measures to transform it.

Turbinoplasty reduces the size of your turbinates which may swell and lead to breathing issues and alarplasty narrows flared nostrils. Prior and after surgery, avoid taking aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

7. Can I Change My Nose Shape with a Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is one of the more challenging forms of plastic surgery. Recovery times can be unpredictable and cartilage difficult to manipulate; thus it is imperative that any concerns about results be communicated openly to your surgeon.

Rhinoplasty can alter the shape of your nose to enhance facial balance and aesthetic appearance while simultaneously correcting breathing issues caused by deviated septums.

8. Can I Change My Nose Shape with a Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty can be an excellent solution for anyone who would like to alter the shape of their nose. Before making your decision about rhinoplasty surgery, however, it’s crucial that a comprehensive evaluation with an experienced facial plastic surgeon takes place first.

Be wary of eating chewy foods prior to surgery as their chewing motion can cause movement within your nose and cause complications during surgery.

9. Can I Change My Nose Shape with a Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure to alter the shape of one’s nose. Rhinoplasty can be used to make your nose smaller, narrow your nostrils or alter other facial features; additionally it can even help correct breathing issues.

Be sure to inquire with your surgeon regarding how long they have been performing rhinoplasty and their success rate, as well as whether or not they use open or closed techniques.

10. Can I Change My Nose Shape with a Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical process to alter the shape of your nose and improve breathing through nasal passageways.

Find a surgeon with extensive rhinoplasty experience is essential. Ask about their education, training and certifications as well as testimonials from previous patients to give an accurate idea of what awaits your surgery.