Best Way to Remove Urine Smell from Floors

If your dog has urinated on wood floors, it is important to clean the area right away. If not, the odor and stain will only get worse.

Blot up as much of the wetness as possible (using towels). Spread a thin layer of baking soda over the damp spot. Leave overnight to absorb odors.


The best way to get rid of the urine smell from your floors is to use vinegar. It’s a natural deodorizer, and it also disinfects. You can find it in the kitchen or purchase it at your local hardware store. It is also easy to use and inexpensive. Mix it with water or hydrogen peroxide to make a solution that effectively removes urine odors from your floors. If the problem is bad, you can also try using an ozone machine to help.

If the stain is fresh, you can use a solution of vinegar and water. Soak a cloth in the mixture and then wipe the area. Repeat as needed until the odor is gone. Be sure to test the solution on an inconspicuous spot first to make sure it won’t damage your floor or cause it to turn yellow.

You can also try a homemade solution that combines vinegar, baking soda, and hot water. The ingredients in this solution will break down the proteins in the pet’s urine. These proteins are what cause the odors. The solution will also remove the stains and brighten your floor.

For more severe stains, you can use an enzyme cleaner. These products are designed to break down the odor-causing bacteria in urine. These cleaners can be purchased at your local hardware or cleaning supply stores.

In addition to removing urine odors, these products can also eliminate mold and mildew. These products are safe for most surfaces, but following the instructions carefully is important. You should also be sure to test the product on an inconspicuous spot before applying it to a larger area.

If you can’t find the source of the odor, using a blacklight or UV light might be helpful. These lights can help you locate the source of the odor by showing where the urine has stained the flooring or furniture.

If you’re trying to get rid of urine odors from a concrete floor, you might want to consider using an enzymatic cleaner. Urine contains uric acid crystals that bond tightly with the concrete, and regular cleaning agents will only remove the surface. Enzymatic cleaners can release uric acid crystals and change them from solid to gas. Then they can be rinsed away with water or another type of cleanser.

Baking Soda

Dogs and cats use their urine to mark their territory, so it’s not uncommon for wood floors in homes with pets to be contaminated. Luckily, there are products that can remove urine odors from your hardwood floors without having to sand and refinish them. Using hydrogen peroxide or baking soda can work well. Both are natural ingredients that can help eliminate odors; you probably already have them in your home. Before you start, test any cleaner in an inconspicuous spot to ensure it won’t harm your floorboards.

You can also find specialized pet stain and odor eliminators at many grocery stores and big box retailers. These can usually be used as a spot treatment, but they may require more than one application for the best results. Be sure to read the instructions carefully before you begin any cleaning process.

Sodium bicarbonate, better known as baking soda, has some pretty amazing superpowers. Not only does it keep our teeth white and sanitary, but it can also zap bad smells and even neutralize life-threatening chemicals. Baking soda does this by changing the pH level of an acidic substance into an alkaline state. This is why it works so well as an odor-eliminating agent, especially when mixed with vinegar.

If you have a particularly stubborn urine odor on your hardwood flooring, pour a few tablespoons of baking soda onto the affected area. Let it sit for about ten minutes, then blot it clean with a damp cloth. Repeat this step until the odor is completely gone.

If the odor persists, you may need to have your floorboards sanded and refinished. This is especially true if the puddle of urine has dried and begun to absorb into the grain of the wood. In this case, treating the wood with an enzyme-based product that can break down the proteins in urine may be necessary. This is more effective than regular sanding and refinishing because it can prevent the wood from becoming warped and damaged by the heat during the process. Before you do anything, though, it’s important to test any new cleaner in an inconspicuous spot on your floorboards to make sure it doesn’t affect the color of the finish.

Hydrogen Peroxide

The best way to remove urine smell from floors is to use a cleaner that contains an oxidizing agent. The best option is to buy a 20% stabilized hydrogen peroxide bottle. Using this solution right after you have cleaned the spot with vinegar will help further eliminate the odor and stains. The hydrogen peroxide will also work well on carpets and other fabrics. The oxidizing agents break down the ammonia molecules in the urine and eliminate the odor. However, be careful to use only a small amount of the solution and test it on a small area first to prevent discoloration.

Besides leaving an unpleasant odor, urine stains can cause mildew and mold to grow. This can lead to health issues and make your house unhealthy. It is, therefore, important to take care of the stains as quickly as possible.

You can clean up urine stains on hardwood floors in several ways, including sanding and staining the affected areas. These methods will not only get rid of the stains, but they will also help to remove the odor and make your home hygienic.

If you have a dog or cat, accidents are bound to happen. Urine can stain wood floors and leave behind a bad odor. This is not only annoying, but it can also be difficult to remove. But with a little bit of work, you can easily get your floors back to looking and smelling fresh again.

One of the most effective ways to remove urine stains from wood floors is to use a mixture of water and 3% hydrogen peroxide. This cleaning solution can be used on a damp sponge and applied to the affected areas. After letting it sit for a while, you can wipe away the residue with a cloth.

Another good option to get rid of the odor is to sprinkle baking soda on the floor. Baking soda absorbs the odor and also neutralizes it. This will also prevent the floor from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria and germs.

If the stains are on the carpet, you can use a combination of dish soap and 3% hydrogen peroxide to clean them. This will help remove the odor from the stains and deodorize the entire room. This method works best for light stains that have been there for a short time. For more ingrained stains, you will need to use an enzyme-based product.


Many pet lovers enjoy having a furry family member around, but even the most well-trained dogs and cats can have accidents. The smell of urine on hardwood floors can be unpleasant, and it is important to get these stains and odors out as quickly as possible.

One option for removing pet urine from wood is to use a deodorizer with an enzyme formula. These are available in liquid form and come in a spray bottle, making them easier to apply to hard surfaces. Angry Orange Cleaner is an example of this type of product and can be used on wood floors, carpets, rugs, and upholstery. The cleaner is free of chemicals and has a pleasant scent from blended neroli, orchids, and apples. It can be sprayed on the affected area and wiped after 15 minutes.

Using a water-based enzyme cleaner can help remove the odor from the floor and also break down any remaining urine stains. These cleaners are available at most major stores and usually cost less than $20 per gallon. They are effective in treating most types of stains and can be used on wood or tile flooring. When using this type of product, it is important to follow the instructions on the label and test it on a small area before attempting to use it in an entire room.

Some stains may require multiple treatments, depending on how long the urine has been on the floors and what type of stain is present. This can be especially true for old stains or those that are deep within the fabric. Adding a scrub brush to cleaning can help break down the proteins that cause odors and stains.

After completely cleaning the floor, it should be allowed to dry thoroughly. This can take several days in some cases, but it is important to ensure that the moisture is gone before moving furniture or painting the area. A dehumidifier can help with this process.

While the removal of urine stains and odors from wood flooring is not always easy, it is possible with the right products and some time. By following these steps, homeowners can reclaim their rooms and make them more comfortable for everyone in the household.