5 Key Qualities to Look for in a Therapist

Photo by Alex Green

A therapist’s assistance can make an enormous difference in your life. However, not all therapists are created equal.

Ssdgmok also pointed out that good counselor maintains healthy boundaries with their clients. They do not talk about themselves in sessions or act inappropriately outside.

A non-judgmental therapist accepts each client’s beliefs, values and experiences. They create an environment of trust and acceptance to encourage healing and growth.


Empathy is the ability to share an experience with someone else emotionally. Empathy allows you to connect with and comfort others, whether feeling sad with your friend over their rejection from the soccer team or getting emotional when they talk about their ex-husband.

A good therapist Seattle will demonstrate empathy during sessions by actively listening to their client. They won’t interrupt or give their opinions but will also show compassion by reflecting on what they’ve heard and asking questions to encourage new perspectives.

Having high levels of empathy is especially important in professions like medicine and education, as they help professionals connect with their patients and students on a deeper level. However, research has found that empathy can decrease over time due to burnout and emotional detachment.


Most therapists will enter the profession because they are passionate about helping others. This should be apparent in their work and reflected in their tone of voice and body language.

Compassion is recognizing and identifying with a client’s emotions and experiences. It also includes the willingness to take action to alleviate suffering.

Another important aspect of compassion is avoiding judgment and criticism. It is important that a therapist can separate their feelings and thoughts from their clients.

A good therapist will also avoid making insensitive comments about a client’s race, religion, culture, sexual orientation or other factors that may be sensitive. They will also maintain proper physical boundaries in their work environment and never touch a client without explicit permission.


Having the right qualifications is important, but so is having the right personality. Therapists must build trust with clients, which is only possible if they’re flexible enough to adapt to each client’s unique needs.

The most successful therapists are flexible in their approach to treatment and open to incorporating new theories as they learn more about the human mind. They can drill down through extraneous data and determine the root causes of their patient’s psychological distress.

In addition, a good therapist is flexible in their fee structure. Try to negotiate your rate at the beginning of therapy, and be willing to renegotiate it again as your situation changes. This keeps your therapist in the black and reduces the time they spend filing insurance reimbursement forms.


A good therapist will always act in your best interests. This may require them to be honest about the limitations of their skills and abilities, even if it causes them to feel uncomfortable or upset.

This quality extends to their professional boundaries, as they will not share information about their clients outside of the sessions or use that information to exploit them in any way. They will also keep their values and beliefs separate from their work.

Another aspect of honesty is admitting when you are not a good fit for the client and referring them to someone else. This can be not easy, but it’s important for the therapeutic process. It’s also a sign of professionalism and respect for the client.


A great therapist is held to high ethical standards and abides by a code of conduct, which they should also live by outside therapy sessions. This is because a therapist’s values and views impact the therapeutic relationship, especially when clients share intimate details about their lives.

The best therapists are good at active listening and do not bring their opinions into a session. They should also be non-judgmental and able to support the client, even if they struggle.

A therapist’s professional credentials are important, but therapy is ultimately a relationship, so finding someone you connect with is vital. Consider the five qualities above when choosing a therapist, and be bold and try several before finding one who suits you.