Are you doing oil pulling in the right way?

Oil pulling is one of the effective Ayurvedic techniques that involves swishing coconut oil through your mouth for 20 minutes each morning or evening. The logic behind the oil-pulling method is to improve gum health by flushing out harmful toxins and plaque from teeth, gums, and tongue—hence it ultimately reduces inflammation in our mouth, and can cure various dental issues like cavities or bad breath. Before doing oil pulling, you must search for the best oil for oil pulling, keeping your dental health in mind to achieve the best result.

The Purpose of Oil Pulling

If you want to prevent cavities and other health problems then oil pulling is one of the safest and most effective way to remove toxins from your mouth.

There have been many proven studies on the effectiveness of oil pulling on plaque removal (a major cause of bad breath), along with evidence that suggests it may help reduce inflammation in the gums as well as control bleeding.

How to Oil Pull?

There is no specific time of oil pulling , you can do it at any time of day or night, according to your convenience. But it’s best if you do after brushing your teeth so that there are no barriers between the two cleaning processes (i.e., toothpaste).


 Mix a teaspoon of oil well with a glass of warm water after brushing.

 Take the adequate amount of mixture into your mouth, hold it there for about 10 minutes, then spit it out.

Repeat this process at least 3 times daily

It’s totally up to you how much oil pulling you want to do. Experts recommend doing this first thing in the morning before breakfast.

The oil-pulling process can take several hours, so start by taking a warm bath or shower with coconut oil and honey. Additionally, make sure you have at least 5 to 10 minutes of peace and quiet before conducting oil pulling so that your body can grow used to going lengthy periods of time without eating or drinking. Toxins will be removed from your system as a result, preventing a later buildup.

Please note that do not to swallow any of the oil during this process; instead.Though you might find it uncomfortable and weird if you do this for the first time, you will get used to it and feel better once you start doing it regularly.


If you want to improve your health and wellbeing, oil pulling may be the answer. Since ancient times, the majority of people have utilized this Ayurvedic medicine to help with digestion, boost general wellbeing, and lower the risk of contracting illnesses like ulcers or heartburn.

Hope you enjoyed reading the blog and realized how oil pulling is effective. Have you done oil pulling? If you want to share your views or recommendations regarding oil , feel free to comment below.