Best Criminal Defenses to Sexual Assault Charges in Oklahoma

Sexual assault charges are severe and can have severe consequences for the accused. Understanding the best defenses available in Oklahoma is vital if you or someone you know is facing such allegations. While every case is unique, three primary defenses could help clear your name. In this article, we’ll dive into these defenses and what they entail and explore the punishment for sexual assault in Oklahoma and the state’s sexually violent predator laws. So let’s get started!


What are the three main defenses to a sexual assault accusation?

When facing sexual assault charges in Oklahoma, it’s important to consider the available defenses. Here are three primary defenses that could potentially help clear your name:


  1. Consent: If you prove that the alleged victim consented to engage in sexual activity with you, this is a strong defense against sexual assault charges.


  1. Lack of Intent: Sexual assault requires the accused’s intent to commit a non-consensual sex act. If you can demonstrate that there was no intention on your part to force or coerce someone into sexual activity, this could be a viable defense.


  1. False Accusation: Unfortunately, false accusations do happen and can be devastating for wrongfully accused people. If you believe that the allegations made against you are based on lies or malicious intent, this may be a valid defense strategy.


It’s important to remember that every case is unique and may require different approaches when mounting a legal defense against sexual assault accusations in Oklahoma courts. Consulting with an experienced criminal defense attorney is crucial during such circumstances, as they know various strategies and tactics used by prosecutors when handling these types of cases before judges and juries alike.


What is the punishment for sexual assault in Oklahoma?

Sexual assault is a serious crime in Oklahoma, and it carries significant legal consequences. The punishment for sexual assault varies depending on the severity of the offense and other aggravating factors. However, sexual assault is considered a felony offense in Oklahoma.


The sentencing guidelines for sexual assault cases consider several factors, such as the victim’s age, whether or not violence was involved during the incident, and if any weapons were used. A conviction can lead to imprisonment ranging from 10 years to life in prison without parole.


In addition to imprisonment, individuals convicted of sexual assault may have to register as sex offenders with local law enforcement agencies. This means they will be subject to community supervision upon release from jail or prison and must abide by strict regulations that limit their freedom even further.


Furthermore, individuals deemed sexually violent predators (SVP) may face more severe sanctions, including civil commitment, after serving their sentence. Civil commitment involves an indefinite period of confinement in a secure facility designed specifically for sexually violent predators.


Sexually Violent Predator Laws in Oklahoma

Sexually Violent Predator Laws in Oklahoma are designed to protect the public from individuals convicted of sexually violent crimes and are likely to re-offend. These laws allow for long-term, involuntary commitment of individuals who meet specific criteria.


Under Oklahoma law, a person can be classified as a Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) if they have been convicted of certain sexual offenses and found to have a mental abnormality or personality disorder that makes them likely to engage in further acts of sexual violence.


Once classified as an SVP, the individual will undergo an evaluation by mental health professionals. Suppose it is determined that they continue to pose a threat to society. In that case, they may be civilly committed to a secure treatment facility for specialized treatment and supervision.


The length of commitment under the SVP laws varies depending on the individual’s progress in treatment and the level of risk posed. However, it can range from several years up to life.


While some critics argue that these laws violate an individual’s constitutional rights, supporters believe they protect communities from dangerous sexual predators.



Being accused of sexual assault is serious and can have lifelong consequences. It’s crucial to understand the defenses available in Oklahoma if you find yourself in this situation.


It’s important to note that these defenses are not foolproof, and each case will depend on various factors like evidence, witness testimony, and circumstances surrounding the alleged offense.

If you’re facing sexual assault charges or know someone who is, seeking legal representation is essential. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help build a strong defense based on your situation.