A Guide to Sourcing Quality Furniture from China for Home Improvement Companies in Europe


As the demand for high-quality furniture continues to grow, home improvement companies in Europe are constantly on the lookout for reliable and cost-effective sources of furniture. China has emerged as a major player in the global furniture industry, offering a wide range of products at competitive prices. In this article, we will provide a guide to importing furniture from China to Europe for B2B businesses in the home improvement industry.

Why Import Furniture from China?

China has become a major player in the global furniture industry, offering a wide range of products at competitive prices. This is due in part to the country’s large manufacturing capacity, as well as its relatively low labor costs. For B2B businesses in Europe, importing furniture from China can be a cost-effective way to source high-quality products.

However, it is important to note that importing from China can be a complex process, and it is crucial to work with a reliable supplier who can ensure that products meet European quality and safety standards.

Finding a Reliable Supplier

When sourcing furniture from China, it is crucial to work with a reliable supplier who can provide high-quality products and ensure timely delivery. There are several ways to find a reliable supplier, including attending trade shows, working with a sourcing agent, or using online marketplaces such as Alibaba.

It is important to thoroughly vet potential suppliers, including reviewing their product quality, production capabilities, and certifications. Working with a sourcing agent can also be a valuable way to ensure that products meet European quality and safety standards.

Product Quality and Safety Standards

When import from china to europe, it is crucial to ensure that products meet European quality and safety standards. This includes compliance with regulations such as REACH and RoHS, as well as CE marking for certain products.

Working with a supplier who can provide products that meet these standards is essential to avoid potential legal issues and ensure customer safety.

Pricing and Payment

When importing furniture from China, it is important to carefully consider pricing and payment terms. While Chinese suppliers often offer competitive prices, it is important to factor in additional costs such as shipping, customs fees, and import taxes.

It is also important to establish clear payment terms with suppliers, including payment schedules and acceptable payment methods.

Logistics and Shipping

Logistics and shipping are also important factors to consider when import from china to europe. It is important to work with a supplier who can handle the logistics of shipping products, including arranging for transportation and customs clearance.

It is also important to carefully consider shipping times and factor this into production timelines to ensure that products are delivered on schedule.


Importing furniture from China to Europe can be a cost-effective way for home improvement companies to source high-quality products. However, it is crucial to work with a reliable supplier who can ensure that products meet European quality and safety standards, as well as carefully consider factors such as pricing, payment, logistics, and shipping. By following these guidelines, B2B businesses in the home improvement industry can successfully import furniture from China and meet the growing demand for high-quality products. Read more.