Home Remedy For Children With Toothache


Toothaches are very common in children. But, as parents, we become anxious if our kid is in discomfort. Tooth decay, plaque accumulation, upcoming teeth, cavities, damaged teeth, or food trapped between teeth are some of the potential causes of toothache in a child. Yet, sometimes a youngster may be experiencing pain that feels like a toothache but is actually caused by something altogether different! So, how do you handle it when your kid is in pain from a toothache?

When your child complains of tooth pain and you are unable to get them to the dentist right away, you may help soothe their toothache at home with these cures in the event that the dentist is unavailable. In this piece, we will discuss a variety of home treatments that can help a youngster who is experiencing a toothache.

Natural Pain Relief from Toothaches for Children

It is imperative that you get medical assistance as soon as possible if your child is experiencing dental pain; otherwise, it may result in more serious complications, such as bacterial blood infections and the loss of teeth. If you’re not able to contact a pediatric dentist right away, consider these home cures for toothache.

Warm Saltwater Rinse.

An crucial step in alleviating tooth pain is minimizing mouth edema. According to the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, if your child is old enough to swish and spit, a warm saltwater solution can be used to relieve inflammation in the mouth (AAPD). In a small cup filled with warm water, dissolve one teaspoon of regular table salt, and then have the person swish the solution around in all parts of their mouth.

Take Use of Peppermint Tea Bags

Children find peppermint to be the most palatable of all pain relievers. It is possible to dull discomfort and calm sensitive gums with the help of peppermint tea bags. All that is required of you is to place used peppermint tea bags in the freezer for a few minutes before using them. Then insert them between your kid’s cheek and gums to ease toothache. If you do not have any teabags, you can substitute them with a mixture of a few drops of peppermint essential oil and clove oil, which should then be applied to a cotton ball and pressed against the irritated area.

Cold Compress

After that, you should use a cold compress to put to the outside of your child’s cheek, just next to where the sore is located. A cold compress will force the blood vessels in the affected area to contract, which will result in a reduction in the intensity of the pain. As a means of relieving pressure and swelling within the mouth, you might assist your child in holding in place a cold compress in the form of a gel or a bag of ice that has been wrapped in a gentle towel.

Massage with Aloe Vera Gel.

Because of its natural antibacterial qualities, aloe vera can assist in the elimination of the oral bacteria responsible for tooth decay. Using aloe vera gel to the area that hurts and giving it a light massage will help alleviate the discomfort of a toothache.

Use mouthwash with thyme.

Children who are experiencing dental pain may get relief from the antibacterial and antioxidant qualities of thyme. Place some drops of thyme essential oil and some water on a cotton ball, and then apply the mixture to the area that is being affected. In addition, you can bring one cup of water to a boil and then add thyme leaves to the water to produce a combination. After it has cooled to room temperature, your child can use it as a mouthwash.

Use Clove Oil.

Cloves offer qualities that assist alleviate toothache, including those that reduce inflammation and kill bacteria. They include the natural anesthetic eugenol in their composition. A toothache can be alleviated by soaking a small cotton ball in clove oil and then applying it to the area where your child is experiencing discomfort. They can also chew a full clove to release the oil contained within it, then hold it in place for a period of half an hour to alleviate the pain.

Rinse with hydrogen peroxide that has been diluted.

Hydrogen peroxide is a good treatment for toothaches that are caused by infection, but it should not be consumed because doing so might be harmful. Make a mouthwash out of a 3% solution of the combination in water, and use it for around 30 seconds. After they have done so, instruct your youngster to gargle with plain water multiple times after they have to spit it out.

The Most Effective Solution: Visit the Dentist

If your child is experiencing tooth pain, one of these home remedies should provide some relief until you can get them to the dentist. Pain in the tooth can be brought on by a number of different situations, such as infections, injuries, loose teeth, tooth decay, or food particles that become lodged between the teeth. A dentist will be able to determine the source of the discomfort and provide you with advice on how to treat it. Visit a dentist like the family dentist in Alexandria, VA. They can provide your child with the best care and medication. They are also family-friendly and professional when it comes to handling children.


Even though your child seems to be doing okay for the time being, it is imperative that you not disregard any tooth pain they may be experiencing. See your dentist as soon as you possibly can because it’s conceivable that a dental procedure or some medicine on prescription may be required to cure the symptoms effectively. First and foremost, you shouldn’t be concerned. You are prepared with home remedies to alleviate the toothache that your child is experiencing, and you will soon be able to see them smile again.