Gynecomastia Surgery Risks: What to Know Before Going Under the Knife

Are you considering Gynecomastia treatment to create a more masculine chest region? Before you go under the knife, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks associated with plastic surgery. Risk of Infection is present in any surgical procedure, as well as other common issues such as poor healing, scarring, and even further complications if the procedure isn’t done correctly.

Additionally, it is essential to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with an experienced gynecomastia surgeon before the procedure to ensure the best outcome possible. With careful consideration and preparation, gynecomastia treatment can provide you with the masculine chest that you desire without putting your health at risk.

It is important to discuss any potential risks with an experienced surgeon prior to the male breast reduction.
Gynecomastia surgery is a safe and effective way to reshape the chest contours.

Potential Risks of Gynecomastia Procedure

Gynecomastia surgery is a popular procedure for men who want to reduce the size of their chest and create a more masculine appearance. However, there are potential risks associated with any type of plastic surgery that you should be aware of:


A hematoma is a blood collection under the skin caused by ongoing or intermittent post-surgical bleeders due to vessel spasms and rubbing off of the clot. Although surgeons attempt to prevent all post-surgical hemorrhage, some small bleeders may occur and cause a collection of blood between the muscle and the skin.

Infection Risks

Infections after gynecomastia surgery are rare, but antibiotics may still be prescribed to reduce the chance of infection. Hematomas or seromas (fluid collections) must be drained quickly as leaving them increases the risk of an infection occurring. In the case of an infection, it may be required to drain the affected area through the incision that already exists.

Risks of Anesthesia

The use of local anesthesia drugs like lidocaine and epinephrine in the tumescent technique is generally low risk, except in cases of potential allergic reactions, which are rare.

In cases in which extensive surgery is needed, general anesthesia is recommended by the plastic surgeon and carries additional risks that should be considered.

While General Anesthesia is generally safe for people in my patients’ age range who undergo gynecomastia surgery, certain risk factors may arise due to the management of the airway and drugs used during the procedure.

There are certain risks associated with general anesthesia, but these can be minimized by carefully following pre-and post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon.
General anesthesia is administered during gynecomastia surgery to ensure the patient’s comfort throughout the procedure

Risk of Scarring

Your surgeon will explain the scars associated with the procedure. It is rare, but there is a small chance that more scars could form than anticipated; this can be either at the original incision site or an area of skin loss. Generally, these scar tissues should be healed at predicted outcomes.

Persistent Pain After Gyno Surgery

In the recovery period, you may experience acute pain, which should go away in a few days. Rarely patients may suffer from longer-term pain caused by this or other surgeries. This is uncommon.

Consulting with a doctor is recommended if the pain persists to ensure that there are no underlying causes.
Although rare, some patients may experience persistent pain after gynecomastia surgery that can last longer than a few days

Damage to Deeper Structures:

With gynecomastia surgery, the possibility of inadvertently causing damage to structures near or deeper than the intended treatment site is rare. Trained surgeons have strategies to avoid instruments migrating into deeper planes and injuring internal organs, so any risk present is small.

Possibility of Gyno Revision Surgery

Occasionally, additional surgery may be necessary to adjust or reposition the breasts. Medicine and surgery are not exact sciences; good results can be expected, but there is no guarantee of desired outcomes. Depending on the case, it might not be possible for the optimal result to be achieved in a single procedure. During your check-up, your doctor may bring up the option of further surgery if this becomes an issue.

Gynecomastia surgery is a safe procedure with minimal risks when performed by an experienced plastic surgeon.
Gynecomastia surgery carries some risks, including hematoma, infection, and anesthesia risks.

What should be expected during the Gyno surgery?

It is normal to experience certain symptoms after surgery, although it is preferable to avoid any additional side effects.

  • Discomfort may be present for the first 24 to 48 hours but typically subsides.
  • Bruising and swelling are common after surgery and typically dissipate within the first month.

If you notice any abnormalities following this cosmetic surgery, let your cosmetic surgeon know. This can reduce the risk of complications if treatment is provided by an appropriately qualified and certified healthcare professional.

How to Minimize the Potential Complications of Male Breast Reduction Procedure?

It is important for a gynecomastia patient to understand the potential risks associated with male breast reduction and to ensure that realistic expectations are set before the procedure.

It is crucial for patients to disclose any health complications, allergies, medications, and supplements that could affect the outcome of their surgery as well as report chest pain or other symptoms before undergoing a procedure such as gynecomastia.

In order to minimize potential side effects during and after the procedure, it is vital for patients to practice good hygiene and follow the post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon. Following these instructions includes refraining from strenuous activities while healing takes place in order to reduce inflammation and maintain proper healing of all affected tissues and muscles. A difficult time healing can result in an infection or other health complications if proper care isn’t taken; therefore, it’s vital for patients to focus on taking good care of their body in order for the breast tissue to heal properly after surgery.

The enlargement of male breast tissue can be caused by a variety of factors, such as hormone imbalances, medications, or certain medical conditions.
Gynecomastia is a very common condition that can affect men of all ages.

Is gynecomastia safe for men?

If men feel a tender, firm, mobile, disc-like mound of tissue around the nipple-areolar area, they should seek Gynecomastia treatment. In the event that there is also associated nipple discharge, they should contact their general physician.

Once the surgeon confirms the need and date of the surgery, it is necessary to undertake a medical test. For optimal results, cigarette consumption should be stopped, and instructions from the doctor regarding any current medications must be followed, as well as avoidance of steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements. Maintaining a balanced diet is essential during the entire procedure.

Men’s Breast Reduction Surgery requires a full day of commitment from the patient, with the actual procedure lasting two to three hours.

Gyno surgery can reduce the physical discomfort associated with the condition.
Male breast reduction surgery can have a significant positive impact on men’s self-confidence and quality of life


Ready to get started with male breast reduction surgery?

If you’re looking for a safe and effective way to reduce your chest size, male breast reduction is your best option. Make sure you choose an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic procedures to ensure the best results.