
Experience Studying Abroad in Spain

The idea of studying abroad has been growing among college students the world over for decades, and for some it’s become a dream come true. On a student’s journey to find greater understanding and personal growth in an international setting, studying abroad is often hailed as the pinnacle of travel experiences. By going to a foreign country, students are made to confront new languages, experiences and cultures, pushing them out of their comfort zone. Starting a program abroad, then, is a unique opportunity to become intimately familiar with a different land, joining its inhabitants in a way that the tourist experience will never truly match.

Overview of Spain

Spain, with its diverse and colorful culture, vibrant melting-pot cities and beautiful landscapes, is one of the most intriguing countries that a student will face. From the snow-capped mountains of the Pyrenees, down to the south coast’s sun-drenched shores, and in between to the golden plains of Castile, it’s a country that offers adventure and cultural and culinary delights.

Language and Culture

Depending on your location, you may find that the language and culture of the country changes drastically and quickly. From the Catalan-speaking parts of Barcelona, to the Castilian regions of Madrid, and even to the Basque-speaking country of the north, the language and customs of the different regions of Spain are distinct and fascinating. A student will find themselves immersed in the day-to-day conversations and traditions of the country, which means that learning the language is key to getting the most out of a student’s experience.

Classes and Coursework

The courses available to students while studying abroad in Spain vary depending on the university. From international business courses, to art and language classes, there is a plethora of options for students to do my research paper on, ranging in difficulty and subject matter. Courses are also tailored to fit the student’s individual needs and can be tailored to the individual student’s strengths and interests. In addition, coursework is often augmented with extracurricular activities, trips and group projects that give students an opportunity to expand their academic horizons and gain a better understanding of the subject matter.

Travel and Social Opportunities

Studying abroad not only gives students the opportunity to study a foreign language and culture, but also to travel and experience a new country. During the course of a study abroad semester or year, students will have the chance to travel to places around the country. Depending on the program chosen and the city of residence, they might be able to take day trips to smaller cities and towns, visit the most renowned landmarks, explore the country’s landscapes, and taste the regional cuisine. Also during these trips, students may find themselves making new friends and connections that may help them build their futures.


Through studying in Spain, I have gained an appreciation for its language and culture, as well as a greater understanding of how different countries interact globally. By engaging in conversations with native Spanish speakers and spending time in classes taught in Spanish, I was able to develop near-native language proficiency quickly. Whether it was through learning the language, trying various types of food or visiting different geographical locations, studying abroad was an experience like no other. Additionally, I found that the challenges I encountered provided unique opportunities for me to grow as a student and as an individual.

Reflection on Personal Experience

I still remember the thrill of arriving at the main square in Madrid. It was hard to believe that one year after reading about and dreaming of the vibrant culture and colorful streets of the city, I was finally there for myself. During my time there I learned about the culture and language, as well as the people who inhabit this awe-inspiring country with its delightful cuisine and breathtaking landscape. I was also able to build friendships with students from all over the world.

The Benefits Gained from Studying Abroad in Spain

For the adventurous student, studying abroad in Spain provides a chance to truly dive into a new culture and explore the beauty of a different country. From the Basque-speaking countryside of the north to the Mediterranean beaches of the south, the country provides a variety of new experiences. Language courses and extracurricular activities offer students a chance to explore further as well. Additionally, studying abroad also provides students with the opportunity to build relationships with fellow students and professors and to gain first-hand knowledge and understanding of foreign cultures. In short, studying abroad in Spain can be both an educational and a life-changing experience.