Fascinating And Peculiar Dog Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!

Dogs are one of the most common pets in the world. They are a natural companion for humans who share the same curiosity and energy to live life to the fullest daily. They come from a diverse range of sizes, shapes, and breeds. Most people love to have them as they bring joy to any household. Nevertheless, some misconceptions about dogs must be cleared before acquiring one as your new pet. Dogs experience emotions similar to those of humans. Dogs also demonstrate jealousy, stress, excitement, disappointment, anger, and fatigue, just like humans do. 

In this article, we will list odd dog facts that any owner should know before getting their new pup home. You will discover many different intriguing and unusual characteristics about dogs that you may not know of. For example, dogs typically have thick tails to keep themselves from drowning in water should they fall in and for balancing purposes when standing up or running around.

  • Dogs Have Three Different Types of Hair:

1. The Colorful Outer Layer: 

The outer layer comprises layers of skin cells and the dog’s DNA. The color may range from white, golden, and brown to black. The length and texture vary from dog to dog. But people can use specific characteristics to identify them by their appearance. It is a natural part of the coat that protects essential organs such as the trachea and heart area from becoming wet due to exposure to cold or heat conditions, as well as helping in insulation. The fur collar changes color with the season, like when it gets lighter or darker depending on the length or texture of the hair.

2. The insulating undercoat:

It is a dense layer of smaller hairs beneath the long outer layer protecting the dog from extreme weather conditions. These hairs vary in color depending on the climate or area they live in. It also keeps the body warm when exposed to cold temperatures and helps remove excessive heat when exposed to hot conditions. Some dogs have an undercoat longer than other breeds leading them to shed more regularly. These hairs are dull and spiky and have no insulation properties. They are not meant to provide warmth or protection from the environment but are used as a valid defense against weather and predators.

3. The environment-sensing whiskers:

Dogs have a unique scent system to gather information about their environment and surroundings. They can use this system to perceive changes in the air currents, which helps them to identify nearby objects and animals. The sensitive receptors are located in their muzzle, lips, nose, and paws. In addition, their whiskers help them detect changes in the movement of air around them and help them with minor activities such as climbing close objects, hunting for food, and avoiding colliding with things when running fast.

  • Dogs can smell your feeling:

Dogs have an acute sense of smell which is much more powerful than humans. Dogs use this sense to hunt for food and their homes from a distance and find a mate in the wild. It makes it difficult for dog owners to hide the car or house of their puppy from their pets. You will be surprised to know that dogs are considered one of the most imaginative animals in the world. Dogs are intelligent enough to learn tricks and commands quicker than other animals, including dolphins and apes.

  • Dogs have wet noses:

Did you know that dogs’ noses are constantly wet? However, this is not the case with other animals and humans alike. Dogs have a particular type of tissue that absorbs moisture and helps regulate body temperature. This feature is also one of the reasons why dog owners love to play with their pets by rubbing their wet noses together. Dogs have keen senses like us; however, they experience feelings differently than we do. Dogs feel more driven by instinct than humans, which cause them a lot more than humans in most cases.

  • Puppies can sleep 18 to 20 hours:

Most people think puppies will sleep for only 6 to 8 hours daily. However, you will be surprised to know peculiar pet facts like these that this is not the case because a puppy’s brain is not fully developed at three weeks of age and hence cannot respond when there isn’t much sleep. On the contrary, it has been proved that puppies sleep between 18 to 24 hours every day as their body clock is developed, and they are now active during the daytime and sleep at night.

  • Dogs do not eat apples:

Dogs do not exactly like this fruit as they have high amounts of pectin, which makes them uncomfortable. However, most dog owners still find out ways in which they can feed their pets apples. You should remember that dogs have food preferences and will not eat food they do not like, especially if it causes discomfort. 

  • Dogs are extremely good at learning:

Dogs can learn tricks and commands faster than other animals, including dolphins, apes, and wolves. You will discover that dogs can recognize different objects and use their surroundings to their advantage when solving problems. Dogs are very affectionate creatures; as you will find out, they exhibit jealousy, stress, excitement, disappointment, anger, and fatigue, just like humans do.

  • Dog’s heart beats fast:

You will be surprised to know that a dog’s heart beats about two times faster than ours per minute, which is about 200-250 beats per minute. It is because dogs have almost double the amount of blood than we do. 

  • A dog is man’s best friend:

Dogs are considered to be man’s best friends since they ventured out into the wild and joined humans in hunting, gathering, and surviving. They have been humanity’s loyal companions since. You will also find out that only once in a lifetime can you teach a dog new tricks as years go by and learn new things with your pet; eventually, it will lose its memory.

  • Dogs are omnivores:

Most dog also eat vegetables and fruits from time to time. However, dogs begin to develop an aversion to some types of foods as they continue to grow. For instance, when your puppy is young, you may be allowed to feed it peanut butter or marshmallow paste, but later on, it will not tolerate the taste of these foods. It would help if you gave your pet treats similar to what you have fed them and ensured that they have gotten used to them before providing them something new like meat or veggies. 

  • Dogs are cleaners:

Dogs pick up things with their mouths that humans usually do not know. You will be astonished that dogs are very good at picking up small objects like hair, dust, trash, and other things from their home. You will be amazed to know that dogs are considered among the four best canines in history. You will find out that dogs have a keen sense of smell, as you can find out from the fact that people can also use them for the detection or drug sniffing by law enforcement agencies. Dogs have been with humanity for hundreds of years and are highly loyal companion animals. It would be best if you remembered this when raising your new dog.

  • They are tough:

A dog’s foot is made up of hard, tough skin, which helps protect their bodies from being harmed by any sharp object that may come in contact with them. Dogs also have a sense of balance which allows them to stay upright and maintain their posture even when running full speed or falling over. You will find out that dogs are spotless as they lick themselves frequently on the face, tail, or behind the ears. Dogs do this for two purposes: getting rid of bacteria and other germs on their bodies and because they have an enhanced sense of smell, just like humans do.

  • The first domesticated animal:

Dogs are the first domesticated animal and the most popular ones. Dogs have continued to be man’s companion animals since they were first domesticated. They have proven extremely useful in many ways, especially when hunting, guarding, and protecting humans from harm. Dogs also continue to help humans in their productive efforts by herding animals and sniffing for drugs or explosives. 

You will notice that dogs are highly active throughout their lives until the time comes when they begin to show signs of old age, in which case they will become less active and eventually start sleeping by your side more often as they become older. Dogs are also very social creatures, just like humans, and love to be a part of the family from time to time by licking, touching, or playing with them.


You will notice that dogs are incredibly loyal animals and will do everything they can to protect their family members. In addition, you will find out that dogs have been able to adjust to new environments much better than any other animal or human being. Dogs have even been able to use their surroundings for hunting purposes and come home with food for the whole family.