A Guide To Help You Stop Your Wife from Leaving

For some time, you’ve been noticing some changes in your wife. She seems to have become distant and possibly giving hints to leave the marriage. You love your wife and wonder why she wants a divorce. You couldn’t understand why she doesn’t love you anymore. The truth is women leave men they love if they feel unloved, ignored, or disrespected. So, even if you love your wife, maybe you’ve stopped showing it or your actions show otherwise. Love is not just about intimacy and saying those three magical words often. The way you treat her, take care of her, understand her feelings, and stand for her- all show how much she means to you.

How to Stop Your Wife from Leaving

Your wife can leave you for many reasons- you’re physically or mentally abusive, you take her for granted, you’re controlling, you never take a stand for her, or ignores her feelings. Your wife might stick around for a while but eventually, she will become tired of having an unhappy marriage. When it starts hurting her to see her friends and other family members in happy marriages, she will ultimately decide to leave. And when that situation happens, men start looking for ways to win their wives back. Men usually don’t make many efforts until their wife decides to leave. If your relationship is also going through a rough phase, here are some tips on how to stop your wife from leaving or getting her back after separation.


  1. Add Sincerity to Love

Most men keep scratching their head trying to figure out what their wife wants. It’s true saying you love her often make difference. But simply saying you love her and then doing things that make her feel ignored or unimportant is a big mistake. Women notice your actions and your words mean nothing until your actions prove it. There’s no point in memorizing poetry and expressing your love in beautiful words until you actually do things that make her fall in love with you again. For instance, making her breakfast, sharing household responsibilities, praising her, showing your love in front of your friends, or spending more time with her.

  1. Avoid PUSH Behaviors

P (Pleading), U (Unnecessary crying), S (starting fights), and H (Hovering your wife) should be avoided. When you start pleading, whining, or manipulating, your wife may stay for a while but will eventually leave. Seeing you crying and begging to stay could make your wife emotional and convince her to stay for a while. But this doesn’t help in the long run. If you’re serious about stopping your wife from leaving, you need to make a change in your behavior and how you communicate with her. If she doesn’t want to talk about the relationship, forcing her to talk could lead to fights. Find out the reason why she wants to leave and make efforts to change those things. For instance, if she feels disrespected, you need to start doing things that make her feel important and respected.

  1. Seek Professional Assistance

Your wife shows some warning signs before telling you that she wants to leave. For instance, she spends more time with her friends or pretends to stay busy to spend less time with you. When you make her feel unimportant, she replaces you as her priority with other people. Things get even worse when you try to convince your wife with logic and reasoning. If you’re unable to make things better, you should seek the help of an experienced marriage counselor or therapist to save your marriage and rebuild your relationship.