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Enterprise Quality Management

Top 6 Tech Tools You Must Have If You Are Starting Your Own Company

If you’re planning to start your own company just know that you’ll never have enough time to look into each and everything yourself, no matter how bad you want to. You need a lot of help to run things smoothly. Luckily, technology has changed many things over the past few years and there are several tools at your disposal that make your tasks easy and less stressful.

From managing your to-do lists to taking care of your administrative tasks, there are many technological advances in apps and tools that can help you organize things properly. We have gathered up a list you tools you must have if you are starting your own company and need everything managed well.

All you need to have to get the best out of these tools is a stable internet connection that provides consistent fast internet speed, so your business never goes offline and grows tall in the market. If you still haven’t found a reliable internet service we suggest you take a look at ATT internet services.  They offer 99% network reliability and free internet security suite to keep you protected online.

With that sorted let’s get straight into the list of tools that will make your work experience so much easier and better:

1. Project Management tools

While starting your own company you must have a lot of other things to take care of. Meanwhile, it can get difficult to manage all your activities, tasks, deadlines, and appointments manually. This is why you must get your hands on different project management tools to keep a track of everything.

These tools help you organize everything from scheduling your meetings to setting reminders of your deadlines. By using the right project management tools you can leave these tiring tasks to technology to handle and put your energies on other things. Some of the best project management tools you can incorporate into your company are:

  • Trello
  • Asana
  • com

2. Customer Relationship Management Software

CRM or customer relationship management tools and software are another must-have for companies and businesses that are just getting started in the market. It helps you keep a track of your outreach and customer relationships. You can also keep a check on who is receiving and reading your emails or visiting your website. CRM tools also notify you if you haven’t contacted one of the high-value clients in a while.

You can easily gather and analyze all the data related to your regular customer relationship and use it for the next engagement process. Some of the top CRM tools you can trust are:

  • Zoho
  • HubSpot
  • Salesforce

3. Social Media Management tools

Social media is a great platform to connect with your customers. A strong online presence allows small businesses to speak directly to their customers and even gather more benefits. Where social media is a great way to be out there for your customers you have to find a lot of energy and time to keep all your platforms updated and engaged.

For small businesses who cannot afford to hire so many employees just to manage social media platforms, there comes in multiple tools that create different strategies and manage scheduled posts for a business to expand its reach across multiple networks. Some of the best social media management tools you can get your hands on are:

  • Buffer
  • Sprout Social
  • SocialPilot

4. Communication and Collaboration Tools

To run any business smoothly and effectively, all the coworkers must collaborate and communicate properly. We are way past the era of phone calls. Now we have digital collaboration tools that allow us files sharing, instant chatting, and video collaboration. These tools allow the users to set up meetings, do quick data sharing, and communicate via email in an organized manner.

These are the top internal communication and collaboration tools to must-have:

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Zoom
  • GoToMeeting

5. Password Management Tools

Data security is not something you can afford to risk at all especially when you have just started a company. You need to make sure that you have secured all your accounts with strong passwords and to manage all that well you can use several password management tools. This cuts down on the risk of reusing similar passwords and helps you remember them all easily without writing them down.

Some of the top password management tools used in companies are:

  • Lastpass
  • Keeper
  • NordPass

6. Data Backup

No matter how efficient you get with your data-saving techniques, there will always be a risk of losing data. Or even worse, your data is always at risk of getting corrupted. This is why it’s highly recommended to have full control over your data, and for that, you have to use different data backup tools. Such tools allow you to access and restore your accounts along with all the information you have stored in them.

Here are some of the best data backup tools/software that you can have:

  • Backblaze
  • Pcloud
  • Rewind

Wrapping up:

We have just mentioned a handful of tools to give you an idea of how you can use technological advances efficiently to benefit your company. Explore more tools and once you know what suits best for your business, you can finally invest in it. You might need to take care of your budget while looking into these tools but one thing we’re sure of is that it will still cost you way less than hiring multiple people to get the job done.