Strata Building Maintenance Tips To Avoid Property Water Damage

A strata property is a dwelling that has been subdivided into lots, with each lot being sold to a different owner. Residents own their own plots of land, but they also own the facility as a whole, along with the other residents. This development is especially common in apartment blocks or townhouse complexes. Strata properties are community-oriented, with residents sharing responsibilities for operation and strata building maintenance.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, it’s critical to have your property management services regularly inspected and maintained. Due to tight budgets or bad administration, strata property management are frequently not given the attention they need, which results in expensive repairs and unhappy property owners and renters.

Water Damage To Strata Property

Strata properties are typically huge facilities with a sophisticated system of pipework, electrical cabling, conditioning systems, and ventilators concealed from view. In the event of a malfunction with this system, it may go undiscovered for a long period, resulting in significant damage. Homeowners may have to leave their homes while repairs are made due to a lack of maintenance.

Adopting proactive strata management steps with renowned strata specialist services to implement your plan, especially concerning water damage, is the best way to avoid the need for substantial repairs in the future. So as not to disrupt the aesthetics, water and electrical supplies in strata structures are generally buried behind hollow walls, beneath floors, or inside the roof. The consequences of a water pipe rupture are severe and expensive to repair.

The most typical reason for a strata insurance payout is water damage, and the cost of this can skyrocket after a large claim. To reduce the number of these claims in the first place, it is critical to have well-established strata management services in place with timely inspections. Preventive maintenance from the finest strata management companies is essential to keep your property in good shape and avoid having to pay for expensive repairs later on.

Find out what causes water damage and how you may prevent and avoid it at your strata property. Click to find out more!

Types Of Water Damage

There is a wide variety of water damage that may occur in strata structures. The following are some of the most typical water-related problems that arise in strata properties:

  • Leaks from faucets or pipelines
  • Foundation fissures
  • Mould, rot, or rust
  • Ruptured water lines
  • Corroded and broken roofing materials
  • Weakened electrical wiring
  • Clogged drains or pipework
  • Expensive strata garden maintenancedue to flooding

Water Damage Prevention Tips For Strata Buildings

Strata building water damage and its expensive consequences can be prevented and avoided in the following ways:

Determine The Exact Source

There are several causes of water damage to a strata property. You should be prepared for the following types of water damage:

  • Leaking pipelines, faucets, or other plumbing fixtures
  • Faulty plumbing systems
  • Leakage from fissures in the foundation
  • Mould, rust, or rot
  • Rusted roofing sheets, fractured or damaged roof flashings
  • Blocked drains (gutters, pipes, and weep holes)

It can be difficult to find the source of water destruction in such intricately constructed buildings. In some cases, an engineer or a strata services professional may be necessary to locate the source of the problem and make recommendations on how to resolve it.

Inspect Your Property Regularly

There are several modest measures committees, homeowners, and tenants can take to minimize the risk of water damage.

  • Set up a pressure regulating valve if you’re concerned about the hydraulic pressure. This will help to keep drainage systems and connections from being damaged and will also help them last longer.
  • A water stoppage and circulation valve should be attached to the main supply line. With this device, you can avoid water damage to your strata property since it monitors variations in fluid pressure and turns off the flow when a specified threshold is reached.
  • Always keep an eye out for rust, deterioration, or fissures in the connectors on your toilets, tanks, sink faucets, and household appliances. Having them replaced every ten years can help prevent water damage to your strata property from flooding.
  • Every so often, inspect the pipes that carry water and garbage for signs of deterioration, rusting, or leakage.
  • The normal lifespan of a water heater is around 10 years. If your system is leaking, it’s probably time to get a new one. You can find water heater replacement eclectic al.
  • Prepare yourself for floods by knowing where all of your drainage isolation faucets are situated so that you can rapidly halt the water pressure to your home when necessary.
  • Make sure to turn off the water system if the property is unoccupied, or if the resident is away for the holidays.
  • Regularly inspect your ceilings for damage. If you see water marks or mould growing on your walls or ceiling, this might be an indication that your roof, weatherproof coverings, or balcony structure have been damaged.
  • Inspect the rest of your home for mould as well. If you see this indication, you need to take action since you have moisture penetration.
  • Plan and make sure that your residential property association’s management team has a thorough water damage prevention strategy in place in case of malfunction.
  • Keeping the gutters and drains clear of debris will ensure that drainage can flow smoothly away from the structure.
  • Maintain a comprehensive facility condition report that outlines any issues and provides a framework for addressing them in the future.
  • Verify that your strata building insurance covers all sorts of water leakage and that your plan is up to date.
  • Consider implementing a convenient management guide, with realistic and concrete actions included, to assess and service water systems.

In addition, it makes sense to give homeowners a list of reliable and experienced Sydney Strata Specialists so they may work with experts. More than just an after-the-fact fix, they may work with the committee to identify possible concerns and prevent strata property water damage from occurring altogether.

Establish A Long-Term Maintenance Strategy

Planned preventive maintenance for strata building’s equipment is documented by an annual maintenance plan. A yearly operating schedule identifies the following things:

  • Capital plants and equipment that need to be fixed or replaced
  • The current state of the plant and its machinery
  • When it’s time to fix or replace machinery
  • The expected price of buildings and machinery maintenance and replacement
  • Repair or replacement equipment’s estimated life expectancy


Compliance or statutory criteria must be met to ensure the safety of the building’s owners and inhabitants. Regular maintenance should be planned in conjunction with professional property management services. They will tell you what structural elements need to be checked regularly and provide a detailed assessment of the building’s upkeep. In addition, they’ll give you professional advice on what approaches and techniques should be implemented for your strata building maintenance.