Jeff Lerner and Business Games (and Their Benefits)

What are business games? A business game can be used for various types of training, including organizational behavior, human resources, or other business topics. Often referred to as “business simulations,” they let students practice managerial skills and foster soft skills. This article will look at a few of the different types of business games and their benefits according to gurus like Jeff Lerner. In addition to offering a practical experience, Facebook shows us that business simulations are fun ways to learn about management. They are also beneficial in improving teamwork and communication skills.

Business simulations are competitive in nature

While business simulations are generally competitive in nature, they are a great tool for enhancing business decision making. Many games involve various elements of a company, including the customer value proposition, cost structure, and other business concepts. They can also include aspects related to engineering, marketing, human resources, hospitality, and healthcare management. Players compete with others on teams of four to six individuals. In some cases, teams are randomized in nature, based on the participant’s professional background.

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As a learning tool, business simulations help to enhance the skills of employees and are a great way to provide active, memorable learning experiences. The benefits of business simulations extend to organisations of all sizes. Below is a brief description of the main benefits of business simulations. It’s also important to note that business simulations are more effective than the ‘just in case’ approach. Because business simulations involve several decision-results loops, participants can test different strategies to maximize their success.

Unlike a traditional classroom, business simulations allow students to experience a variety of real-world business situations while building soft skills. These games teach teamwork, dealing with diverse personalities, and strategic decisions. They can be customized to fit any course, and many offer online debriefs and grading tools. Some simulations even offer dashboards to track student progress. They are also available online, with all manuals available online.

Competition in business simulations is a key component of the games, but it must be managed correctly. Competing can be healthy, and in some cases, can be dangerous. In such a case, a facilitator should monitor for aggressive behaviors among participants. However, if competition is allowed to take over a group, the simulation could become overly chaotic. So, Jeff Lerner shows us that the facilitator must carefully monitor players to ensure that they remain focused on the goal.

The most basic challenge in business simulation is defining the market. This problem is often modeled with mathematical functions. The model used for this is called the market demand function, and the variables used to define firm demand are known as purchase probability distributions. The mathematical functions represent the demand for a given product, and the participants are compensated by the equivalent of USD ten for their participation. Those who win the competition are awarded an extra USD five as a prize.

They represent compressed time periods

Simulations, also known as business games, are a great way to learn about business practices. These simulations usually take place over compressed time periods, and decisions are made for the next period. However, the decisions and policies that are implemented in a simulation game are not necessarily the same as in the real world. Hence, Lerner has mentioned that some top management may find simulations unpleasant. Moreover, they may be used for training and research purposes.

They allow students to put managerial skills into practice

In general, the effects of business games on students’ ability to apply management skills are positive. Students from a wide variety of countries and cultures can benefit from business games, which can provide a unique opportunity for students to develop specific managerial skills. Students in different European countries have different perceptions of the effectiveness of business games, as their motivations for engaging in them differ from one another. In this paper, we analyze how students in different cultures value managerial skills.

The study examined the effectiveness of business games in management education, as well as the generic and specific skills that students develop through the experience. The results indicated that students from different countries rated specific skills and generic skills more highly, with decision-making and planning being ranked the least highly valued. Interestingly, students from different cultures and educational systems evaluated business games differently, and this result may be related to the cultural and educational contexts of students.

The administrators of the business games contacted professors at each of the participating universities. The professors agreed on the terms of the game and the characteristics of the students who would be participating. The game was structured into seven rounds, played over four hours a week. In each round, the decisions were made face to face and students were divided into groups with similar number of participants to maintain an even playing field. The game had certain design requirements that were common to all teams.

While these simulations are primarily aimed at improving student learning and knowledge, they are still considered an important tool for teaching management. The advantages of business games include immediate feedback, an opportunity to observe key factors in an on-the-job situation, and the opportunity to practice in an intense and competitive environment. However, the disadvantages of using business games in education are also worth mentioning. If you are considering these simulations in your curriculum, remember to consider the cultural context of students. If they are learning in an environment where experiential learning is common, business games may be more palatable and appreciated by students from those parts of the world that are more accustomed to traditional classroom teaching.

They foster the development of soft skills

While it is widely accepted that business games can foster the development of soft skills, a recent study has demonstrated that students from different cultures perceive these benefits differently. Students from Germany, for example, are used to the practical nature of learning and appreciate the educational value of business games. Moreover, German culture is characterized by a high preference for open-ended, problem-solving environments, and autonomous learning. Thus, Irish students can also benefit from business games, as they perceive these simulations to foster a more rounded competency profile and develop more specific managerial skills.

The three fundamentals of soft skills development are listening, asking questions, and giving feedback. To build on these traits, organizations must adopt these behaviors. They must also shift their outdated systems and thinking when it comes to leadership training. The development of these skills is particularly important in today’s world, where the digital revolution has changed how people work and collaborate. Adaptability, curiosity, and the ability to build new networks are important soft skills that are emphasized more than ever.

The effectiveness of business games depends on the extent to which they enhance students’ management skills. Interestingly, the results differ by country, as students from different European cultures often value different managerial skills. Furthermore, students from different countries often value specific managerial skills over generic ones. For this reason, studies on business games should be done with students from the same cultural context. These differences might be especially relevant in Europe. The EHEA’s homogeneous educational trends are likely to conflict with coexisting cultural contexts.

The study also looked at how students perceive learning from business games. Students of different cultures had different perceptions of the educational value of these simulations, and these differences reflected the cultural contexts. Therefore, Jeff Lerner says that teachers should adjust their roles to suit the students’ learning models. This study adds value to the analysis of the effectiveness of business games. So, why are business simulations effective? The answer lies in the fact that they promote the development of soft skills.