Dinosaur Universe: why children mostly love T Rex-y

never-ending story of dinosaurs
The never-ending story of dinosaurs in the universe

The never-ending story of dinosaurs in the universe is one that has been told time and again. Whether it is in the movies, on television, or in books, there always seems to be some new twist on this classic tale.

Dinosaurs have been a part of our lives since we were children. We have seen them in countless cartoons and films, TV shows and computer games. They are creatures that have captured our imaginations like no other animals can. And for good reason! Dinosaurs are just plain cool!

But what if I were to tell you that the story of dinosaur-universe.com doesn’t end with their extinction? What if I were to tell you that there are still dinosaurs out there somewhere, living amongst us? It may sound impossible, but it’s not as far-fetched as you might think.

There have been multiple reports over the years of people claiming to have seen Dinosaur-like creatures around the world. In 2003, two fishermen off the coast of Maine claimed to see a Plesiosaur swimming near their boat. A plesiosaur is a type of extinct marine reptile that lived during the time of dinosaurs (Mesozoic Era).  In 2006, eyewitnesses claimed to see an enormous alligator walking through downtown Chicago!  Could these sightings be evidence that dinosaurs still exist today?

 Of course, many people will say that these sighting could easily be explained away by misidentification or hoaxes but let’s look at this from another perspective: what if they’re true? What if Dinosaurs really do still roam our planet earth?! The possibilities are endless…and somewhat terrifying!       

Why children are so passionate about these beautiful creatures like the T Rex or the Stegosaurus

We all know children are fascinated by dinosaurs. They love watching movies about them, playing with toy versions of them, and reading books about them. But why are they so passionate about these creatures?

There are a few theories. First, dinosaurs are just really cool animals. They’re big and powerful and have been extinct for millions of years. That makes them both mysterious and awe-inspiring to kids. Second, kids can relate to dinosaurs in a way that they can’t relate to other animals. After all, we were once kids ourselves! We remember what it was like to be small in a world full of giants – which is how many kids feel when surrounded by adults all the time. Third, there’s something iconic about dinosaurs that speaks to our imagination. Whenever we see pictures or sculptures of dinosaurs, they look like they’re ready to fight or take off into the sky at any moment (even though we know they couldn’t actually do either). And finally, let’s not forget that most dinosaur names sound made up – which only adds to their mystery and appeal for children!

Most children love dinosaurs. They are fascinated by these huge, ancient creatures that roamed the earth long ago. This fascination often leads to a desire for dinosaur-themed products, especially backpacks. Backpacks are a great way to add a Jurassic touch to your child’s wardrobe.