The skincare market is one area that just seems to keep growing. This is perhaps because the demographics for this sector have changed. Younger individuals are taking more interest in their skin than before. Where skincare was once the preserve of older consumers looking for wrinkle removing cream, and anti-aging serums, younger generations are taking far more interest also.
The world’s skincare market is anticipated to be worth around $190 billion by 2025 to Statista. This would represent a huge jump from just ten years before when this sector was worth $116 billion.
Part of this growth is undoubtedly to do with the younger generational consumer base, but it is perhaps also due to people becoming more interested in natural remedies. Jojoba oil is one such natural skincare treatment and can be used for many purposes.
What is jojoba oil?
The oil itself is extracted from the seed of the Simmondsia Chinensis plant. This is what people know as jojoba oil, and it is sold across the world today.
The seed itself is heavy with this oil, and according to Wikipedia, the plant is most common in southern Arizona, northwestern Mexico, and southern California too.
What benefits can be reached by using jojoba oil for the skin?
There are many skincare tips to keep you looking fresh all day, and some people swear by jojoba oil. But rather than being used as a simple moisturizer, it has some far more reaching benefits.
Among the many aspects of jojoba oil, it is understood to have the following effects.
- It moisturizes
- It is hypoallergenic
- It may help to heal wounds
- It could improve the appearance of scars
- It is antibacterial
- It contains vitamin E
- It can control the levels of sebum in the skin
Vitamin E and the antioxidant properties of jojoba oil help your skin to fight off toxins and pollutants that it comes into contact with every day. It is also believed that it can speed up the healing of some wounds by promoting skin cells to join. This refers to scratches and acne rather than large injuries. But, it is the possibility of helping acne sufferers that interest many.
By controlling the production of sebum, skin can be less oily, and then less prone to acne.
Can you use jojoba oil for acne?
Many people believe that jojoba oil can help with acne in more than one way. Firstly, as previously mentioned, jojoba oil can help to control how much sebum is produced.
When there is too much sebum, skin tends to look oily, and pores can become blocked. If pores get clogged then it can turn to acne. There is a tendency for individuals to squeeze acne spots which can then lead to inflammation and scarring.
Jojoba oil has properties that could help in these areas also. Some people like to use jojoba oil with a clay facial mask to reduce the effects of acne and lesions.
How does jojoba oil affect acne?
Jojoba oil is antibacterial, and it is also moisturizing. Combined with its ability to control sebum production, jojoba oil could stop acne from happening, or reduce how harsh a breakout was.
Its healing properties can be used by anyone who has had a breakout of acne. Jojoba oil has been shown in clinical trials that it can help speed up the healing of acne. It can reduce scarring, and it also helps reduce inflammation and redness surrounding acne.
Can jojoba oil work for people with other skin conditions?
Of course, acne isn’t the only skin condition affecting people today. There are millions of people suffering from atopic dermatitis or eczema in the world today. Up to 20% of children had atopic eczema, and many others suffer from other skin conditions including psoriasis.
It is believed by many, including dermatologists, that jojoba oil may help in conditions that tend to leave the skin dry. The moisturizing properties of the oil can help in this regard, and also the anti-inflammatory effects the oil possesses will assist too.
Does jojoba oil have any anti-aging benefits?
For decades, TV and magazines have been filled with products that promise to reverse the effects of aging on the skin. If you want to choose anti-aging skincare products that go beyond the advertising hype, it can be difficult to know what is a fact, and what is fiction.
Jojoba oil is believed to have some benefits in this area. The reason being is that jojoba oil is an antioxidant. Oxidants help to reduce the elasticity of the skin and make fine lines and wrinkles more obvious.
Antioxidants could help to improve the appearance of the skin and make lines less obvious. While the effects of aging wouldn’t be completely reversed, they could be lessened with jojoba oil.
Are there side effects to using jojoba oil?
Jojoba oil is considered to be safe when used topically, that is, only on a person’s skin. It is considered unsafe to consume it orally.
According to WebMD, jojoba oil is likely to be safe for most people, but some individuals may have an allergic reaction or could develop a rash. The best option for using jojoba oil for the first time is to apply it to a small area of skin to see if there is any reaction.
The vast majority of users of jojoba oil suffer no ill effects whatsoever and continue to use it for acne treatments, or for other skin complaints.
The jojoba oil market was worth $133 million in 2019 but is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.4% by 2027. This is a significant growth rate, especially for what could be considered a beauty product.
As the skincare market grows, so does the interest in natural products. Acne is something that millions of people suffer from, not just teenagers, but adults throughout their life. Clinical tests have shown that jojoba oil can effectively treat mild acne, and may also be beneficial to sufferers of other skin conditions.