7 Home Upgrades That Will Stand the Test of Time

Home Upgrades

Every once in a while, your home needs upgrades, whether it’s a new kitchen or a new floor, it’s important to pay for renovations that will last a long time. One of the most essential elements, when you’re upgrading your house, is longevity. As a bonus, your house will have a greater value if you decide to sell it. So, with that in mind, here are 7 home upgrades that will stand the test of time. 

  • Insulation

Insulation is a home upgrade that will help you in many ways. First, energy efficient insulation is a great way to cut energy costs over time. Second, insulation makes the space you live in comfortable and warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Also, insulation definitely lasts a long time and is worth investing in.

  • Installing a solar home generator

A power outage is a real-time tester especially when it is a long one. However, installing a solar home generator can help to ensure that your home is able to stand this phase of time by providing an adequate power supply for over 24 hours. By having access to electricity, you will be able to power essential appliances and devices, keeping you and your family members safe. You check out the guide on the meanwell XLG series led drivers
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Solar energy is an excellent option for powering your home since it is renewable and environmentally friendly. Furthermore, installing a solar generator can also save you money on your monthly energy bills.

  • Replacing the Windows

You know it’s time for new windows when you can feel a breeze coming into your room. Not only that the warm air coming out of your house, but you’re paying a lot more money on energy bills. Energy-efficient windows stop the precious warm air to go out. Also, you will get a return when you sell your house.

  • New Kitchen Cabinets

Kitchen upgrades were one of the most popular renovations this year, according to the HGTV survey. When you’re renovating your kitchen, try to avoid inexpensive materials that last less than ten years. Instead, choose solid wood cabinets that can stay in great condition even for 30 years and more. While you’re renovating your kitchen, you can add new kitchen elements, such as a new stove or a new refrigerator.  

  • Landscaping

Taking care of the front of your house is essential since it’s one of the first things people notice. Investing in trees doesn’t just add to your curb appeal, but also has many benefits, like reducing carbon dioxide emissions, filtering groundwater pollutants, and blocking water runoff. Having a big and nice tree could help you sell your house for a higher price. 

For example, live oak can grow one to two feet a year. When you’re upgrading the front of your house, start from the curb to the front door. 

  • Fix up the Basement

If you’re avoiding fixing up an old and damp basement, now is the time. Upgrading a dry basement should be a number one priority. When renovating a basement, try to use quality materials if you want to get money in return. If your basement is prone to serious issues, like leaks, moisture, and flooding, then it’s better to call a professional. Finishing touches on your basement could be adding drywall, insulating the space, and laminating flooring. 

  • Replace old carpets

The average life expectancy of a carpet is about 10 years. This depends on how many people live in the house and if you have any pets. 

Some of the signs of replacing a carpet are stains, rips, or an odor that stays present even after cleaning it. If the carpet changed the original color, if it just looks worn out, then it’s time to purchase a new one. Your room will get a total makeover. 

  • Replacing bathroom tiles

In order to protect the bathroom from moisture, try installing tiles at least halfway up the walls or throughout the whole bathroom. Bathroom tiles can stand the test of time and require very little maintenance. 

The average cost of porcelain tile is about $5 to $20 per square foot. However, you can only upgrade the shower tiles to reduce the cost of this project. Also, remember that new bathroom tiles can significantly boost the resale value of your house. 

There are many more home upgrades that will stand the test of time, but even the smallest steps count. Every one of these 7 home upgrades will add a whole new functionality to your home, but also refresh your house and give it a new design.  In addition, the house will have a greater resale value.