Things To Be Prepared For During Pregnancy

There are all kinds of places where you can inform yourself about pregnancy, but most of them are not going to tell you some of the basic things that you should be prepared for. While pregnancy is a wonderful thing, going through pregnancy can be quite a rollercoaster, but if you are prepared for the things to come, not only materially but also mentally, that rollercoaster ride can be quite smooth.

Urge to stay at home

A lot of women who become pregnant develop something called the nesting instinct. This causes them to have a powerful urge to prepare their home for the upcoming baby and to leave it less often until the baby is born. You should be prepared to find yourself cleaning the cupboards or washing walls, doing things you never even imagined you would do due to the care of your future baby.

Problems with concentration

During the first trimester, you will experience tiredness and morning sickness pretty much every day. This can make a lot of women feel mentally worn out. You may have a need to get extra sleep, but even in those moments, when you get a full rest, your concentration might not be as good as it used to be. According to Lotus Medics, this is due to the various hormonal changes your body is going through.

Bra size

As you go deeper into the pregnancy, you will notice that your breasts are becoming bigger. This means that you should prepare yourself beforehand by getting bras that are slightly bigger in size. Expect changes to begin already in the first trimester, and they will continue going throughout the whole pregnancy.

Mood swings

Something that a lot of women are not prepared for is the mood swings they experience during pregnancy. In some cases, the mood swings make sense, and even smaller things can change a happy moment to a sad moment. However, in certain situations, you should be prepared to feel emotions for no reason at all.

Sometimes you will be aware that the emotions you are portraying do not match what you are thinking, but that is just how mood swings work during pregnancy. Preparing yourself and your partners for these situations can save you from a lot of trouble.

Mood swings are very common during pregnancy, both you and your partner should be ready for them

Skin changes

Pregnancy glow is not a myth, it is a real thing, and you should be prepared to hear about it from your friends all the time. This is again due to the hormonal changes that your body is going through, as well as the increased blood volume in your body that flows through all of your organs. Because of that extra blood volume and blood flow, the oil gland secretion is increased as well, giving you that glow.

Shoe size

Just like with bras, you should be prepared to upgrade your shoes as well. One might be prepared to buy new tops and bottoms for the pregnancy, but the shoes surprisingly require an upgrade as well. This is because all of the extra liquid in your body causes the feet to swell, making you unable to put on your old shoes with ease.

Another thing about pregnancy shoes that is of great importance is to avoid shoes with laces, as you will not be able to do the laces once you get a big bump on your belly. Instead, you should try to get shoes that you can simply slide on without lacing or similar interactions.

Labor events

As you get into the final stages of pregnancy, you should be prepared for all kinds of things to come and all of the previous symptoms you have experienced during the pregnancy to increase. That means you will have more mood swings, more cravings, and you will just feel a bit strange from time to time.

However, the final hours are the ones requiring the most mental preparation, which are the labor hours. They start off with the amniotic sac breaking, which will cause a lot of liquid to just pour right out of you. Expect quite a lot of fluid to come out, and expect to be rushed to the hospital as fast as possible.

You can click here in order to find more vital information about pregnancy and the labor events, how you can prepare for them, as well as how doctors are going to handle the situation before your baby is born. It is very important that you trust the doctor who is going to deliver your baby, as it will make the whole process much easier, and your mental health will be better too.

Going through labor is very exhausting and preparing for it mentally is of utmost importance

Final word

Going through pregnancy is not an easy thing, and every woman who is planning to become pregnant or is already going through pregnancy is a very brave person. It is not easy to go through all of those changes, and sometimes it can feel impossible to keep going at times. However, once pregnancy is over, the reward is one of the most beautiful things in the world.