9 Wellness Tips for Mindfulness, Happiness, and Fitness

Happiness is for everyone, you just need to find your way to achieve it. This can be particularly hard on young adults, usually in their 20s, the studies have shown. This is probably because people of this age group are still trying to find their place in the world. But trying and failing is perfectly ok. You can experiment with these wellness tips for mindfulness, happiness, and fitness, and decide which ones work for you.


Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a skill to be learned. It isn’t easy in the beginning, but by training your mind, you will increase the density of your grey matter in the brain in areas responsible for compassion and decrease it in those responsible for feelings of stress and anxiety.

And all it takes is 27 minutes a day, researchers have discovered. You don’t have to do half an hour all at once. You can start with 10 minutes in the mornings and evenings. In time, you will find your own pace at which to do it.

Take care of yourself

Self-care is for everyone and you should practice it every day. It can be anything from treating yourself to a glass of wine and some dark chocolate to an expensive piece of jewelry or a trip. You can reward yourself at the end of each day with some downtime, reading a book or cuddling under a blanket and watching your favorite show. Maybe for you, self-care is about spa treatments or spending time with friends and family. Find out what works for you and practice it every day.

Physical activity is essential

Mere 51 minutes of physical activity every week are what it takes to help you live a longer, happier, and healthier life. And you can choose which type of activity you do. It can be walking with your dog in the park, running, dancing, going to a gym, etc. You can do basketball, volleyball, badminton, or any of the non-traditional sports, such as pickleball. Pickleball terms are easy to understand and it is an amusing sport.

Set boundaries – physical and mental

Appropriate boundaries are necessary for a happy and healthy life. Your well-being will depend on how well you are able to set them. This extends to both physical and mental ones. You need to know what you are comfortable with and what you are not. You also need to clearly communicate those and cut off people in your life who don’t respect them. By disrespecting your boundaries, they clearly show you that they don’t respect you.

If it is difficult for you to set your own schedule and respect your decisions, consider turning to professionals to help you. Going to yoga, meditation, counseling, or investing in personal training courses can help you get into the routine and discipline you need.

Limit your screen time before bed

The blue light coming from the screen is affecting your sleep cycle, in turn affecting your overall wellness. So set up a schedule for yourself and limit your screen time to two hours before sleep.
During these two hours, you can read, meditate, spend time with friends and family, play board games, etc. There are plenty of better ways to spend time before bed than looking at a screen.
Of course, you might struggle to sleep due to a medical condition, such as insomnia or sleep apnea. These can be caused by a number of things, including time spent in the military in extreme environments that have impacted your health. Should this be the case, you may want to see a doctor about it and see if you can fit one of the ratings for sleep apnea in order to receive some support to help you manage this condition and help you go about your everyday life as normally as possible. 


Learn to manage your money

Money is the biggest source of stress for many people. You should learn how to properly manage money at an early age. Keeping up with your income and expenses will decrease the level of anxiety towards the end of the month. Prioritize your purchases and don’t go above your means. Also, set aside a small portion of your earnings each month for emergencies.

Train your brain

Your brain also needs exercise, the same as your muscles. These mental daily exercises are important for your wellness. You can do jigsaw puzzles, solve crosswords or sudoku, play mental games on your phone, practice different art forms, learn a new language or skill, etc.

Don’t skip your breakfast

The fast pace of living has prompted many people to skip breakfast or eat unhealthily. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as the proverb says and scientists keep reminding us. So don’t skip it. It is as important for your fitness as for your well-being.

Now, not every breakfast is a healthy breakfast. Your first meal should be rich in proteins, vitamins, but also fiber. Essentially, anything that has a low glycemic index is good, and that includes most fruits, vegetables, nuts, eggs, yogurt, and whole grains.

Be gentle to yourself

The best wellness tip anyone can give is to just be gentle to yourself. Remember that you are not perfect and you are allowed to make mistakes.

The smallest changes can help you lead a healthier lifestyle and become a better version of yourself. Start today and commit to making the best decisions for you. Don’t be too strict with yourself, however. The smallest indulgencies have been known to keep you smiling. They help with your mental health and allow you to remind yourself it is completely ok not to be perfect all the time.