Signs & Symptoms of a person dealing with High-functioning Depression

Even though you seem fine to your friends and family, you may still feel miserable with yourself. Even if you can get by with a grin in social circumstances, you could still discover that you always feel exhausted. A person with excellent functional levels might experience invisible pain. So the question arises: Is it still a depression? Well, the answer is yes!

All these symptoms may be because of an underlying condition called “High-functioning depression”.

Let us understand it in detail.

What is high-functioning depression?

When a mental health disorder is described as “high-functioning depression,” it typically refers to the condition in which the person exhibits many of the same symptoms as severe depression but yet seems to operate normally. Dysthymia, or high-functioning depression, may be more difficult to identify than a major depressive disorder (MDD) since those who suffer from it are often great achievers who give the impression that everything is alright all the time.

High-functioning depression is a type of mental disease which is difficult to diagnose. In fact, it may be challenging for the affected person to even recognize their own condition.

High-functioning depression is clinically termed as persistent depressive disorder or PDD. It is important to keep in mind that this disorder does not necessarily equate to complete functioning. While still affected, a person with high-functioning depression can go to work or school and manage their daily obligations. You may perform your regular activities normally, but you probably go through really painful internal conflicts.

Difference between high-functioning depression and major depression:

You run the chance of experiencing an episode of major depression if you have high-functioning depression. The length and intensity of the two mental diseases are the key differences between them. Major depressive episodes last at least two weeks, but they rarely last for months or years at a time, while the symptoms of high functioning depression can last for 2 years. Additionally, the symptoms of major depression are worse. Extreme guilt, incapacity, and even suicidal thoughts are all possibilities of this disorder.

A diagnosis of high-functioning depression includes numerous symptoms of major depression.

Signs and symptoms of high functioning depression:

No other mental condition or addiction can explain the high-functioning depression symptoms as it is different from other forms of depression. Though there are some common symptoms which are as under:

  • Fatigue
  • Lack of energy
  • Insomnia or Hypersomnia
  • Weight loss
  • Low self-esteem and low self-confidence
  • Hopelessness
  • Sadness
  • Excessive eating or decreased appetite
  • Lack of concentration in daily activities
  • Difficulty in making decisions

For the diagnosis of high-functioning depression there are also some signs which need to be seen in the person:

  • The first set of requirements for diagnosing high-functioning depression is that the patient must experience depression most of the time on most days.


  • The above-mentioned symptoms should daily be seen in the person along with the depressed mood for at least 2 years without any improvement.


  • The depressive symptoms and mood must significantly affect the person and disrupt one or more aspects of his normal functioning.


  • The person should not experience episodes of happiness or sadness or any other instant mood otherwise it is an indication of bipolar disorder.


  • An individual with high-functioning depression may also exhibit symptoms of major depression.

High-functioning depression can also contribute to other issues including substance abuse, relationship conflicts, and chronic pain, and occasionally it can also trigger other mental disorders.

How does a person with high-functioning depression feel?

Individual with high functioning depression can hide their difficulties well as they can function well in their daily lives. This is the reason that this condition is hard to diagnose. However, if you think you or any of your near ones are suffering from the condition, you can find it out by the following sign:

  • You may appear sad, depressing, frightening, pessimistic or distrustful to others.


  • You feel low all the time without a specific reason and the moment of happiness does not last long.


  • You have no interest in doing your daily activities or even your favorite activity, due to which you lose your productivity.


  • You procrastinate on almost everything including the important things.


  • You feel tired and lazy and like to sleep all the time.


  • You prefer isolation over being social and try to avoid people.


  • Day-to-day responsibilities feel like a burden and hard to pursue. You have self-doubts about whether you can do it.


  • You feel hopeless and whatever you do, it feels challenging.


High-functioning depression is a serious condition that, if untreated, can have negative effects. But, like other forms of mental disease, it is also treatable. Often a dual diagnosis treatment center can provide effective depression treatment for this disorder. Here are some common treatments used for high-functioning depression:

  • Group therapy and individual therapy
  • CBT
  • Residential treatment
  • Antidepressants

Over to you:

Depression and other mental disorders are affecting most of the people today but still, our society is ignorant about it. Being depressed does not make you lazy, antisocial, or a horrible person, you just need some support and help to be healed.

High-functioning depression is a curable disease; you just have to get it diagnosed and start your depression treatment. Getting help and engaging in treatment will help you to improve your mood, productivity and perspective towards life. It will lead you to an enjoyable and better quality of life.