microblading beauty eyebrows

Microblading Aftercare: All You Need To Know!

If you’re considering getting microblading, you’ll want to know how to take care of your new eyebrows properly. Microblading is a semi-permanent procedure that involves drawing individual hairs onto the skin with a tiny blade. The results can be beautiful and natural-looking, but it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions to ensure that your eyebrows look their best. This blog post will discuss the proper way to take care of your microbladed eyebrows in the days following your treatment. 

What to be aware of?

It is important to take care when getting microbladed, as the skin around the eyebrows is delicate. First, make sure your technician is only using disposable tools. This will help to prevent the spread of infection. Moreover, the pigment used should be high-quality and from a reputable brand. This helps ensure that the color stays true and not fade over time. It is also important to know how your particular skin type might respond to microblading. Some people experience minor swelling and redness after the procedure, while others do not react. Furthermore, you must also stop using retinol, acids, fragrance, and mechanical exfoliation in the area around your eyebrows for at least two weeks before and after microblading. 


Before getting microblading done, it is important to research and find a reputable artist who has experience with the procedure. Once you have found an artist you trust, the next step is to schedule a consultation. The artist will assess your skin type and desired look during the consultation to determine whether microblading is right for you. If everything looks good, the artist will then give you some aftercare instructions to follow in the days leading up to your appointment. For example, you may be advised to avoid sun exposure and exfoliating agents to make your skin as smooth as possible. Following these simple steps will help ensure that you get the best possible results from your microblading procedure. 

Skincare after microblading

After you’ve had your eyebrows microbladed, it’s important to take good care of your skin to ensure optimal results. Here are some tips for caring for your skin after microblading:

Avoid water and sweat: Water and sweat can cause the pigment to run, so it is important to avoid getting your brows wet for at least the first week after microblading.

Keep them clean: gently clean the area with a cotton swab dipped in sterile water or saline solution twice a day.

Apply ointment: Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or Aquaphor to the area twice a day to moisten the skin.

Avoid sun exposure: It is important to avoid direct sunlight for at least two weeks after microblading. If you must be in the sun, wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your microblading results last for months. 

Outcome and costs

Prices for microblading can vary depending on the location and the artist performing the procedure. However, microblading tends to be more expensive than other forms of eyebrow enhancement, such as tattooing or piercings. We, at Microblading Place, found out that generally, people pay between $200 and $700 for a single session. Touch-ups may be required every 12 – 18 months to maintain the desired results. Despite the higher cost, many people feel that microblading is worth the investment because of its natural-looking results. Additionally, microblading is a semi-permanent procedure, meaning that the results will eventually fade over time. This can benefit people who want to experiment with their looks without making a permanent change. 

Potential complications

Though it is generally safe, microblading comes with a few risks. The most common complication is irritation or allergic reaction to the pigment. This can cause redness, swelling, and itching at the site. More severe reactions may occur in rare cases, such as hives or difficulty breathing. Another potential risk is pain. The needles used in microblading can cause severe pain in the affected area. This pain may last for several days after the procedure. Finally, there is a risk of infection. This is usually minor and can be treated with antibiotics. However, in rare cases, more serious infections may occur, which may require hospitalization. Before undergoing microblading, consult with a doctor to weigh the risks and benefits. 

Closing thoughts

After your eyebrow session, you can expect your brows to look fuller and more defined. The hair strokes will be natural-looking and will help to frame your face. You may also notice that the overall shape of your eyebrows has changed. This is because the artist will have followed the natural contours of your brows to create a more flattering shape. In some cases, the skin around the brows may be slightly red or swollen. This is normal and should subside within a few hours. Once the initial redness has faded, you will be able to enjoy your beautiful new brows!