5 most common Gemstones and what they symbolize

Gemstones have for long been believed to possess spiritual power and healing properties. Some are said to influence prosperity, while others bring luck. Rare stones such as pearl, jade, and blue agate, for example, are believed to have numerous physical and emotional benefits. Pearl and jade are believed to attract luck and wealth and offer protection. Agate, on the other hand, is associated with freedom, courage, serenity, and wisdom. This article presents the five most common gemstones and their meanings. So read through to know what your gem symbolizes.

  1. Moonstone:

This precious gem focuses on feminine energy due to its connection to the moon – which symbolizes feminity. Typically, the moon symbolizes feminine enlightenment, purity, youthfulness, and attraction. It is also closely connected to balance, softness, and intuition. And so does moonstone. Essentially, the gem encourages the re-invention of oneself to create new beginnings. As such, the moonstone symbolizes inner growth, emotional instability, and strength. It is also associated with calmness, inspiration, success, luck, and good fortune. Essentially, the stone works best for the crown chakra.

In some communities, moonstone also symbolizes love and fertility

  1. Jade:

jade has been honored since 2950 BC, mainly by Ancient Egyptians, Meso-Americans, Maori, and Chinese cultures. Since ancient times, jade has been treasured to symbolize security and protection, serenity, and purity. It also symbolizes wisdom, love, balance, and harmony. In some communities, it is also associated with popularity, power and excellence, luck, and good fortune.

Jade is typically associated with the heart chakra, and therefore, it is believed to relieve stress and anxiety and improve blood circulation. Essentially, jade is believed to bless everything it touches, hence also known as the blessing stone.

  1. Green Aventurine:

Commonly referred to as gambler’s stone, Green Aventurine is considered the luckiest stone of all crystals. The gem is believed to attract luck, good fortune, and opportunities. Also, it is believed to possess physical, mental and emotional healing power. Typically, the stone provides strength, confidence, courage, inner harmony, and happiness. In addition to that, the gem enhances calmness and alleviates anger, anxiety, and stress.

  1. Pearl:

Pearl is recognized as the world’s oldest gem, tracing its history from 2206 BC. Throughout the years, pearls have maintained their appeal and value among people in different communities and races. Typically, pearls have varying meanings depending on individuals’ race.

Commonly, pearls are associated with wisdom, serenity, protection, and prosperity. They are also believed to attract luck. They symbolize good fortune. Pearls also signify generosity, integrity, purity, and loyalty. Essentially, pearls are linked to sacral, solar plexus, and crown chakras.

Mythically, pearls are believed to strengthen relationships. When given as a gift, pearls show affection and love. Like agate, pearls are also believed to have physical healing properties. They help in alleviating discomforts in the digestive system. What’s more, pearls are associated with fertility and childbirth.

  1. Agate:

Often referred to as the Earth Rainbow, agate is linked with courage and strength, security, wisdom, and peace and calmness. Additionally, agate is believed to attract luck and favor. It is also believed to have physical healing effects. For example, blue agate is believed to alleviate constipation and stomach aches, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion. Some people also claim that it helps help with skin conditions and relieves irritation and inflammation in the eyes. Collectively, the gem is linked to all seven chakras. However, different types of agate are connected to various chakras. Typically, the gem color defines its meaning and associated chakras.


Typically, gemstones enhance physical appearance and also influence the wearer’s well-being. They are believed to boost an individual’s self-confidence and elevate mood, improving the wearer’s mental and emotional health. Therefore, wearing a gem can significantly improve your well-being.